Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: violence

a day has passed since his sudden death and the system hidden quest been revealed.

grabbing his raincoat, wore the skull mask he brought yesterday and hiding his exposed white skin using glove and layer of cloth.

finishing his preparation he looked at the mirror seeing a pale face with black sclera and an ominous red pupil. it was rather reminiscent of a certain character in the show, the big bad of the show.

(Y/n) is certain if she is the one who planned all of this.

putting on the mask, the crimson glow of his eye let an ominous red glow upon the already ominous skull mask.

opening his briefcase he grab a bulky pistol reminiscent as a heavy mix of a dessert eagle and a revolver with visible heat sink designed on the barrel, of course due to his temporary mutation and his temporary activation of aura it has become much lighter for him to handle.

its a civilian grade weapon so against something such as a nevermore it would only pissed it off but against ordinary human and beowolf it would work fine but much weaker compared to normal gunpowdered fire arm back in his world.

for now he is locked from the activation of his semblance and with the ticking time he no longer have time to spare so with his bulky pistol he concealed It using his already heavy layered of clothes to the advantage.

ready enough he wealked out of his house, opening the door he could  already see many skirmish.

makeshift weapon made from crude material fly breaking bone and damaging human body.

yet theres was no law enforcer on sight for many enforcer have given upon various side of ilhim.

formerly hidden criminal and gang has risen from the darkness and due to the negativity emitting ability of the grimm they are able to rampaged followed by normal civilian.

even gun is used, likely the set black market model as the law for civilian gun is much lighter. 

he's not here to join the fight or break up such violence.

slowly walking away a stray brick flied from its path and accurately hit him in the back of the head.


for the first time the street went silent, its as if a stray dynamite has been thrown into to a sleeping volcano.

while the dark heart protocol indeed save him, it also altered his personality in a 'subtle' fashion.

the stray brick crumble as if it impacted his head and crash against atlasian quality crafted metal wall.

normally he would rather to walk away and resort against violence preferring to go hidden. yet feeling a impact on the back of his head he did not take such action lightly.

he first acted move in such a speed that seems to be blur he grab the nearest man in the face, despite the man being bigger than him and as such stronger by a margin, with such body constitution size no longer matter as he smash the man into concrete street breaking it with a momentum that grab everyone attention.

its as if fear have been set into everyone mind as everyone froze staring at the ominous skull faced figure, yet it take a single action of a man firing his pistol to snap everyone of their fear.

again they started to act like monkey throwing rock and using brick, can and litter to throw at him and gang member in black leather and spike pauldron charge wearing metal pipe, shovel frenzied.

the pistol bullet him but his thin of aura glow invisibly doesnt scared anyone, charging like a rabid dog, like a guardsman charging through a meat grinder.


muttering that word under his breath, he immediately charge into the crowd.

his stature despite being smaller charge forward  like a battering ram sending a huge man flying, no word was sent as both of them now only know violence.

a guy with a metal pipe tried to strike him on the back, however with his reaction he simply grab the pipe with enough force to crumble it like a wet paper and with a left hook. it send a loud sound echoed while saliva and a tooth flying from his mouth.

with a movement impossible to the human he throw a pebble into one of the guy using a gun, accurately hitting the gun with a force of a slug shotgun destroying it into a barely useful metal scrap.

with fluidity only seen by a huntsman he move against the ragefull human.

a jab with skull shattering force to a guy wielding a handheld buzz saw, a kick breaking a poor dude leg like a twig, and grabbing a shovel from a trampled gang member he swing with the force a iron mace to a guy trying to burned him using a makeshift flame-thrower of lighter and bug spray.

as time pass, more and more seems to fall under the heavy violence of the skull masked man.

a gang member hidden by the crowd throw a Molotov leaping above the crowd, however with (Y/n) better perception he grabbed a distracted guy and with strength impossible for a man throw it into the cocktail.

intercepting it but with its flaming content spilled to the crowd, causing many to scream, with the one being thrown screaming the loudest.

slowly rage and spite is replaced with fear.


he screamed bloody murder, causing many to flee.

wielding a shovel he took out too many people that it slowly become outfitted with dent and blood, no one have been killed by the skull faced guy but demoralized by the view. many people has disappeared as majority started to run away.

Chanting curse and insult, throwing slur and swinging a shovel causing a large pang.

slowly the street become empty, and finally it went silent.

blood has been split and violence is used to pay violence.

seeing no more opponent daring to fight him he left, his rain coat and heavy layer of clothing show mark of tearing apart yet red mark has appeared on it as a sing of violence.

leaving the street he now focus on his task on hand.

Finding the possible heart of this phenomena.

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