I feel my phone vibrate. It's a text from Liddy. They have landed safely and should be on the bus by the time I've finished my last song. Thank goodness, I haven't been able to stop thinking about either of them all day. I can't wait to see Harper. I just want to hold her and feel her warm little body snuggle into mine. I want to hear her giggle as I toss her in the air and she shouts 'Dada, higher'. I want to see her adorable smile first thing in the morning and listen to her softly breathe, as she sleeps at night. I've missed her so much.

"As for Liddy, I want to thank her personally for figuring out why Harper was so upset yesterday. But, more importantly I just want to see her. I've missed her incredible eyes, beautiful smile and adorable laugh. I know I shouldn't be thinking about her this much because she's with Craig and she's Harper's nanny, but I honestly can't help myself. 

"Hunter, it's time." I stuff my phone in my back pocket, grab my guitar and head out on stage. Life is good.

 ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 weeks later

November 19, 2018

Liddy's POV

I can't believe it. It's Moving Day! I am so excited! My sister, Elizabeth, her husband, Joe and their two kids Abbie and Austin are helping move some stuff into my new apartment at Hunter's house, this morning. Hunter and the rest of the guys from the band will be coming over around 1 pm to help move my bedroom and living room furniture.

Over the last few weeks Hunter and I have gotten closer. We're friends now, I dare say. I am no longer trying to avoid him. It just made things too awkward between us. We mainly talk about Harper and joke around. Occasionally, he shares a story about him and Renee nothing to personal. Someday I hope he can trust me with more personal stuff, but for now, I'm ok with how things are.

I can hear my sister walking up the steps. She must be carrying something heavy. She's huffing and puffing. "Here, let me help you. " Between the two of us, we manage to set it on the granite counter top. "Wow, that was heavy. Why didn't you let Joe carry that?"

"I didn't realize it was heavy until I was about half way up the stairs. Thank God you came to help. Otherwise I think I would have dropped it."

I grab the box cutter and open the box up. "Good thing you didn't. It has all my dishes in it." I laugh.

"It's so good to see you happy and laughing again." Liz says while reaching in the box to pull out several cereal bowls. "I've been really worried about you since you and Craig broke up? "

"You know, I am doing far better than I thought I would be. I think the fact that we both knew it was time to move on, helped. Knowing Craig saw that we wanted different things from life, mainly children has just made it easier to leave my past in the past. I'm really looking forward to seeing where my new path in life is going to take me and what God's plan is." 

"Where would you like this box, Aunt Liddy?" My nephew asks.

"It says KITCHEN on it so please place it over there on the island. Thanks, Austin." I can't help but smile at him. It's hard to believe that he was so ill just a few years ago. Now, he's healthy and strong. It was a difficult time for our family, but thankfully his treatment was successful and he is now in remission.

Once I finish putting away all my kitchen stuff, I head to my bedroom. As I'm hanging clothes in my closet, I come across several old gowns of mine which reminds me I need to ask my sister something. "Hey Liz." I yell from inside my closet.

"Be right there" I hear her say from some other part of my apartment. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the master bedroom closet."

"There you are. I had a hard time finding you. This apartment is huge."

" I know. Isn't it awesome? I can't believe I get to live here. "

"It's just another one of the perks of working for Hunter Hayes."

"What are some of the other benefits you believe I have?" I ask while continuing to unpack boxes.

"Hmmm. Let's see, getting to look at his sweet smile, bulging biceps, awesome abs and beautiful baby blues every day are few more. Need I continue?

I blush. "No, no, I think that covers it. By the way, are you sure you're happily married?"

"Absolutely! Joe is my soul mate, but that doesn't mean I'm blind." She says with a wink. "So what did you want?"

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. You got me so flustered, Liz. Seriously, Hunter's my boss. We're just friends."

She gives me the raised eyebrow look. "Maybe for now, but give it time."

"Okay, time to change the subject. So are you and Joe planning to attend the St Jude fundraiser in February? I am and I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping with me sometime?"

Liz places her box on the floor and wipes her hands on her shirt. "We plan to unless Joe is out of town on business and of course, I would love to go dress shopping with you."

"That's great! Maybe we can go the next weekend I fly home?"

"Sure, whatever works best for you, Lid. You're the one with the busy schedule. Hey, I was just thinking. Do you happen to know if Hunter will be performing at the St Jude's benefit, this year?" She asks with a gleam in her eye. "

"I don't know." Before I can respond further, I hear Joe shout from the other room.

"Hey Liddy, Hunter and the band just pulled in with your furniture. Where do you want them to put it?


I hope everyone is enjoying the story over 775 Reads, I am so happy!

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Thanks again for reading my story.

Does anyone know why my photos won't post with my chapters? I post the link in my draft and it shows up but then when I publish it disappears.

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