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trigger warning!! : car accident; drowning

I wake up the next morning with a sharp headache, pinching from behind my eyes

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I wake up the next morning with a sharp headache, pinching from behind my eyes.

My friends are still sound asleep on my floor as I look down at them from my bed. I slowly slide my legs over the side of my bed and quietly (but definitely not gracefully) walk to the bathroom that's across the hall from my bedroom.

I avoid the mirror as usual as I walk in. Or, at least I try to. I catch a glimpse of my messy red hair and my pale, tired face in the mirror.

I take a deep breath, trying not to let my brain flood with every horrible thing that Heather or anyone has ever said to me.

I look down at the white tile floor of the bathroom as I brush out my hair and I close my eyes and scrunch my face as I wash it with water over the sink. Which, helps my headache go away kind of.

I dry my face off with a towel and then walk into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

I get out the box of frozen waffles and put enough for everyone into the oven. I then get out a pan and start cooking some bacon.

Now, bacon isn't my favorite, and you can judge me all you want. It just isn't that great to me. However, I'll make it for my sisters or if I have my friends over to stay the night.

I finish cooking the bacon and put a couple pieces on everyone's plate. I carefully get the waffles out of the oven and put two waffles on each plate as well.

I set the plates at the table and the island and I set out the syrup for the waffles. I don't have to wake anyone up, because the smell of bacon does the trick.

Everyone comes into the kitchen sleepy eyed, messy haired and still in their pajamas.

They sit down and all take turns putting copious amounts of syrup on their waffles. I eat a waffle and some cereal, since I don't really like bacon.

Not much talking happens since everyone is still quite sleepy from just waking up.

After my friends finish eating, they both get ready to go home. They give me a hug. Then Jamie hands me something folded up in her hand.

"Text him."

She places the paper in my hand and I stare at her, feeling very confused.

Jamie walks out the door with Kirrie.

I watch from the door as they get in Jamie's car and drive off. I wave as they leave.

I open the folded up piece of paper and, written in Jamie's handwriting, is Riley's name and phone number.

My mouth gapes open for a moment and then I quickly put the paper in the back of my phone case.

Jessica comes in the kitchen now, being the only one who didn't get up and come eat.

"Wanna to go shopping with me today?"

I smile and nod. "Yeah! Where are we going?"

She tucks a piece of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

"Next town over, they have a shopping center."

I think about it. "Alright, sounds fun!"

My sisters decide to stay home and watch movies, which is fine because it's kind of a rainy day.

I get dressed and ready to go. I put on a blue hoodie over my white lace tank top, some jeans and some plain white tennis shoes.

"Are you ready?" Jessica calls to me from the living room.

I walk out of my room and into the living room, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Yeah! I'm ready."

I follow Jessica out to the car and we both get in.

I watch out the window as drops of rain slide down. The sky is grey and dark but it doesn't seem angry.

A nice peaceful fall rain in October.

I get lost in my thoughts as we get closer to where we are going. Mostly thinking about Riley.

I wish I could stop myself from thinking about him so much, because it does no good to dwell on things that will never happen.


I sigh.

You know what, screw it. I'm going to text him.

I take out my phone and get the paper that Jamie gave to me out and I start to text him.

And then... I don't.

He's with Heather, I remind myself. There really is no point in dwelling on it.

I chicken out and put my phone back in my pocket.

We cross the bridge to the next town but what happens next... I never expected.

Jessica looses control of the car, the water moving along the bridge taking control of it now. We are both terrified but we don't scream.

The car slams into the railing hard and breaks through it, making a loud metal screeching sound and then the pieces go crashing down all around. The car plunges towards the water in the river below.

I feel weightless, like I'm suspended in air. Everything is in slow motion as the car falls closer and closer to the river.

Then we crash into the water, sinking deeper and deeper. Despite the windows and doors being closed, water quickly starts seeping in from the outside.

We are both frantically trying to find a way to get out and swim to the surface before we are trapped under water.

Nothing works, and the car is only filling up more. Feelings of hopelessness and fear come over me.

I'm going to die.

Soon, the car is completely submerged and I'm holding my breath under water. I try not to panic because that will only make things worse.

So, I close my eyes and submit to the fact that this is my fate. That I'm actually going to die, and there's a chance that no one will ever find us.

I can feel myself loosing consciousness and struggling for air. But it's painless. I simply just... fall asleep.

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