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I walk out of the dressing room to show Jessica one of the outfits I picked out

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I walk out of the dressing room to show Jessica one of the outfits I picked out.

"Oh! That looks super cute! Do you like it?"

I nod. I'm not that picky so it doesn't matter.

"Yeah. I like it."

I go back into the dressing room and try other outfits on. Putting the stuff that I like on one side of the dressing room so we can buy it. I put my original clothes back on and go look around some more with Jessica.

"Ooo! Look at this Dylan!"

Jessica picks up a pink casual dress with flowers on it. I'm not a big fan of most dresses but I like this one for some reason.

"I like it!"

Jessica smiles and hands me the dress.

I walk back to the dressing room and try on the dress. When I put it on and look in the mirror... it's perfect. It's not super dressy. It's just a casual dress but it makes me feel... confident.

I smile as I put the dress with the rest of the clothes I picked out. I grab all of those clothes and walk out of the dressing room.

I sit and wait for Jessica on the big sofa that's outside the changing rooms. Hopefully, soon we can pay and go home. I think I've definitely had enough fun for one day.

"Alright, you satisfied with what you've picked?"

I give Jessica an enthusiastic nod.


She starts walking towards the checkout and I follow her. Jessica pays and we go to the car with my new clothes. We put the clothes in the back. Jessica gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. I get in the passengers seat and buckle my seat belt. Jessica drives us home. I fall asleep during the short ten minutes of riding in the car.

Finally. I'm home.

I get out of the car with some of my stuff, including my backpack. Jessica helps me by carrying some of the clothes.

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