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"Riley, honey, do you have everything?"

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"Riley, honey, do you have everything?"

"Your backpack? Your jacket?"

That's my mother. It's obvious that she's a little anxious about my first day back to school. We walk from the house to the car and get in. She quickly starts the car, looking at me.

I finally smile at her and nod, signaling that I do in fact have everything I need. As my mom drives, I look out the window. It's raining.

Within a matter of minutes, we are pulling into the school parking lot. The wet pavement causes the tires to make a noise as the car comes to a stop. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door, getting out. I smile and wave goodbye to my mother.

My mothers name is Joyce. She's a nurse at the local hospital. It sucks because she's gone most of the time, and I love her a lot.

I run up the concrete steps, eager to get out of the rain and see my friends for the first time since school let out for summer break. The school is only one story with red brick walls all around. The playground is off to the side of the school along with the gym.

I walk in the doors, which open to the commons area. The school is painted green and white on the inside. There are a couple of benches lining one wall, lockers lining two walls, and one wall with nothing.

I see my friends Lucas and Jamie standing in the commons area. They have definitely grown quite a bit since I last saw them. I'm not sure that I have grown any.

Yikes! Embarrassing? Maybe...

Everyone got taller over the summer and I... did not.

Lucas finally notices me standing there. He waves for me to come over to them. I smile a little and walk over to my friends. Jamie's eyes widen as she sees me.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Riley!" Jamie shrieks happily.

She pulls me into a tight hug, almost crushing me to death. I have to say, it's good to see my friends again. I smile at her as she lets me go. Jamie has dark olive skin and brown hair that she currently has in pigtails. She has been wearing her hair like that since kindergarten.

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