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After waking up in my bed, I do my usual morning routine, and nothing different or out of the ordinary

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After waking up in my bed, I do my usual morning routine, and nothing different or out of the ordinary. I wake up my sisters and get myself ready. All things that I'm used to doing, really.

One problem is that... I don't remember how I got in my bed last night, I could've sworn I fell asleep on the couch... maybe I was just too tired to remember?

Maybe so.

I begin walking to school, already dreading today. Why? Well, because today is the talent show. I didn't really give myself much time to prepare and I just have a feeling I'm going to embarrass myself on stage big time.

I'm glad that Jamie and Kirrie offered to help me get ready before the talent show.

You know, do my makeup, hair, and pick an outfit to wear. All that good stuff. I finally arrive at school and my friends all hurry over to me, looking very excited.

"I just know you're going to do great today!" Kirrie says, in a very encouraging tone.

I smile, trying to put on a facade of fake confidence. For myself, and for my friends.

Jamie pats me on the shoulder.

"Don't sweat it! You'll do amazing!"

I try to let their words soak in and infiltrate the deepest parts of my subconscious, so that I won't be as nervous or scared to go on stage.

After about thirty minutes, the principal announces for all the contestants of the talent show to make their way to the auditorium.

I take a deep breath and follow my friends to the room behind the stage where all the contestants would be waiting to perform.

My friends aren't performing with me, but it's nice to have them by my side and supporting me. It helps me feel just a little bit better.

We waited for about an hour before it was announced for everyone else to come to the auditorium and watch the talent show. I don't really want to think about the fact that Riley would most likely be there, watching.

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