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I hear my phone go off

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I hear my phone go off. Who could need something this early in the morning?

Oh, right. Heather. My girlfriend.

The girlfriend I've been forced to date since fifth grade, and we are now sophomores in high school.

I know.

You're probably wondering why I'm still with her if I don't like her. It's not my choice.

It's hard. Especially when you might sort of have a crush on someone else.

That someone else is Dylan Mayfield. I've kind of liked her even before  Heather turned my life upside down. Ever since fifth grade. She's my first and so far only, kind-of-sort-of-crush.


I'm not the kind of person to have feelings for someone. I just like to hang out with my friends and stay low key. Trust me when I say; it's nothing! It's just a teeny, tiny, kind-of-sort-of-crush.

I swear!

I grumble as I finally decide to look at the dreaded notification that awaits me on my phone.

I knew it. It's from Heather.

Of course, as always, she needs something. She wants me to bring her cheer bow that she left in my bathroom last night.

I fight my urge to flat out tell her no. My urge to flat out tell her that I want nothing to do with her and that I would be so much happier if she just went away. But I can't say any of those things or else my father will go to prison.

I get out of bed, throwing on my hoodie, jeans and Vans. I grab Heather's cheer bow from my bathroom, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I fix my dark brown hair and walk out of the bathroom, then out the front door to get in my car.

Yeah, I drive now. I turned sixteen in January, which is when I got my drivers license and my car.

I start the car, turn the music up and drive to school. It's peaceful. No drama. No Heather.

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