"She was in her dorm." Aelita answered. "Music was playing, she might  be working on a sample."

That's just like her. Emi thought.

Wave's love of food could rivial Odd's. If Odd was the iron stomache, Wave was a black hole. She could out eat Odd and call it a snack. Music is the one thing she perferred over food. Unlike Lynn who wrote and composed his own music and songs, Wave is a DJ. She used various beats to create tracks. The headphones she always wore were used to listen to music for inspriation or for where she should make edits and improvements.

"Here are the notes from class." Aelita handed Emi a pink notebook.

Emi placed the item into her bag. "Thanks. I'll give it back tommorrw."

"What were you doing that you had to miss school?" Odd asked, using the question as a distraction to steal Emi's food.

"Doctor's appointment." Emi swatted Odd's hand than moved to sit on the other side of Ulrich.

"Anything insteresting happen while I was gone?" Emi asked.

Odd gave up on getting Emi's food and returned to his own. "It tried teaching Kiwi again."

Ulrich shook his head, "Great time that was. Next time do your training when I'm not trying to study."

"Aww, jealous because my dog's a genuis?" Odd asked.

"Hate to break it to you Odd, but Kiwi's far from being a genius." Jeremie replied.

A soft 'meow' drew attention to Emi's bag.

Kitt popped her head out of the bag, swiped Ulrich's fish stick than ducked back inside the bag.

"Was that a cat?" Aelita peered over the table to see the kitten eating. It glanced up, raised a paw as if to wave, than went back to eating.

"This is Kitt, a stray kitten who has adopted me and my friends." Emi answered.

Kitt meowed in response, seeming to agree that she adopted them.

"Did she just agree?" Jeremie questioned, stunned by Kitt's 'meows' that seem to confirm Emi's statement.

Emi nodded, use to Kitt not acting like a typical cat. "She does that. But the shocking this is she knows morse code." Emi explained their discovery and Kya's ability to commicate with Kit.

"Wow, that means Kiwi will be able to talk to as well." Odd blurted out.

Everyone stared at Odd for moment, than began laughing.


She sat at her desk staring at the computer screen. Codes filled the screen before 'Error' pipped up.

"Again? When will the processing work?" 

She glanced at the helmet connected to her computer. The device allowed her to send her mind to Lyoko, a vitral world.

Three trips in total and each time she'd found something new. The last two revealed that others had access to Lyoko. She'd helped the group each time fight Xana's monsters.

From what she could tell this group were the good guys and reisdents of Lyoko like Xana or human like her.

The computer beeped, thirty precent complete. "Great another seventy to good."

When she got devirtaizted the shock had left her disorated for hours. A new side effect of using the hemlet and going to Lyoko. In the first she'd have to be wary of being devirtalazed.

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders Season 2Where stories live. Discover now