Chapter 46

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Jay's POV

I wake up to the sound of glass smashing.

My eyes snap open, all tiredness immediately gone as I stand up out of bed and grab my gun from the nightstand.

I then realise Talia isn't in bed.

That's when the panic kicks in.

Rushing over to the door of our bedroom, I throw caution out the window and yank the door open, quickly running out to the kitchen-

Where I find Talia, standing in nothing but one of my white shirts and a pair of black panties, with broken glass and pickles all over the floor by her feet.

She stares at me, looking like a deer caught in headlights, while I groan loudly at her for giving me a heart attack.

I put the safety back on my gun and toss it on the kitchen counter before walking over to her carefully.

She stares silently while I pick her up, taking a few steps before placing her back down on the ground that isn't covered in glass, pickle juice and pickles.

"We agreed you wake me up if you're hungry during the night" I mutter, gently rubbing up and down her side as I stare at her.

"Jay.." She whispers, and I sigh, leaning my forehead against hers. "Yeah, I'll get you more pickles just-"

"My water broke" She whispers, and I freeze, my heart stopping in my chest.

"What?" I mumble, not recognising my own voice.

Talias takes a deep breath, and I notice the tears in her eyes. "I'm not due for another month Jay..w-what if-"

"Hey," I snap out of my daze, grabbing her face in both my hands. "Nothing is wrong, okay? Yeah, it's a bit early but it doesn't mean something is wrong. It just means we need to get you to the hospital" I whisper, and she sniffles, nodding her head slowly.

"Go get the bag" She mumbles, and I shake my head. "Not till you smile," I tell her.

She looks at me, taken back. I pull her face closer to mine. "Because we're about to have our girls Talia" I whisper, and her eyes widen, as if she forgot the fact going into labour means getting her twins.

She then smiles, her eyes filling with tears. "Alora and Becca" Her voice cracks, and I hum, gently stroking her cheek with my thumb.

She's had those names picked out for months. 'Becca, not Rebecca. She's not a rabbit. And Alora, because both my babies will have beautiful names'. Her words, not mine.

And I have no clue who the fuck Rebecca Rabbit is but she made it clear our daughter won't be named after her.

She smiles at me softly, leaning up on her toes and placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you" I whisper, and she hums, teasing her lips with mine.

I close my eyes, pressing my lips to her again. My grip on her sides tightens, and she moans a bit just as I pull away.

"I'll get the bag" I whisper, and she lets out a breath, nodding her head.

I take a step away from her, only she clears her throat before I can get further.

I look at her confused.

She smiles at me sheepishly.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to the cupboard and grab an unopened jar of pickles.

I open it as I step back over to Talia, and she grins at me as she takes it off me. I shoot her an unimpressed look, just before she leans and kisses my cheek.

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