Chapter 11

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Jay's POV

Staring up at my ceiling, I try to think of an excuse to stay locked in here for the rest of the day. Or maybe for the next three years.

I rub my eyes with my hands, groaning before sitting up and deciding to just get it over with.

After showering and changing into black slacks and a white button-up shirt, I tie my tie as I walk to the door.

When I open it, a hear noise coming from the kitchen.

My hand moves to my gun in the waistband of my slacks at the back, before I remember my new roommate.

I curse, already regretting that decision.

I still haven't deciphered whether she can be trusted or not. She hasn't given me a reason not to, and she seems very genuine, but I can't afford to die anytime soon.

But of course, I have to give her a permanent invitation to my house. I'll have to put a lock on my bedroom door. I'd rather not wake up to a gun at my head.

I walk down the hall to my office, open the door, and grab the file from my desk. I'll have to put a lock on this door as well, for obvious reasons.

Walking back down the hall, I step out of the hallway and over to the dining table, taking a seat as I place the file down in front of me.

I take a quick glance at Talia, seeing her standing behind the stove with her back to me.

Wearing simple blue jeans and a white shirt, she still manages to draw my attention for a second too long.

I force myself to concentrate on the file in front of me.

I got Atlas to deliver all of Talia's belonging here as soon as possible. Judging by her new change of clothes, I'm assuming she got her stuff already.

I read the first line of the file before my attention is robbed by Talia, who's standing in front of me with a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.

I raise an eyebrow at her, confused. "I'm not hungry," I tell her, and she seems taken back. "Oh-..sorry. I'll keep it in the fridge until-"

"Eat it" I cut her off. Her eyes widen like I suggested she smash the plate on the floor. "But it's for you-" I cut her off again. "And I'm not hungry. So sit and eat the food you spend time and effort making" I say simply, before dropping my attention back to file in front.

I don't expect Talia to become my cook too now that she's living here. Her job arrangement won't change. She works for two hours, and then she's free to do whatever the fuck she wants. In my house.

Seriously regretting this decision.

Talia slowly pulls out a chair, before sitting down. She picks up the fork so slowly and gently pokes at the scrambled eggs on her plate.

She's so nervous it's making me fucking stressed, and I close the file as I turn my full attention to her. Her eyes widen as she glances at me.

"Why on earth are you so nervous? You're eating breakfast" I scowl, and she glances down at her plate. "Sorry sir".

I unintentionally let out a groan as I pinch the bridge of my nose, slumping back in my chair.

"Listen, if you're going to live with me for the foreseeable future, this has to stop. I'm not not going to hurt you, so you need to stop acting like I will" I tell her bluntly, and she nods her head immediately. "Sorry-"

I stare at her, and she cuts herself off. She clears her throat. "I understand" Talia whispers, avoiding my eyes.

"Say it again," I say, and she glances at me, clearly confused. "I understand?.."

"Again" I sigh, and she looks at me weirdly. "I understand"

"Again". "I understand-" "Again" I cut her off, and she stares at me, and I think this is the first time she's ever looked me in the eye for more than five seconds.

"I understand" She mutters.

"Again-" "I understand" She interrupts me, clearly fed up. Her voice is clear, and she meets my eyes, borderline glaring at me.

I smile at that, nodding my head.

"There you go. None of this whispering shit. Let your voice be heard" I tell her, and her glare softens as she nods her head.

"Okay," She says, before turning back to her breakfast without another word.

It's a struggle to wipe the smile off my face.

I wonder if she'd ever yell at me. If I pissed her off enough, would she?

I shake my head, scowling at myself for being so entertained by the possibility of her, my fucking maid, yelling at me.

Jesus Christ, I must be bored. And losing my mind.

I sigh as I open the file again, hoping to actually get through the first page.

"That was stupid".

I freeze, before slowly glancing up at Talia. Her glare is back, and her attention is back on me.

"I was being respectful. Calling your sir and keeping my voice quiet. And you can't expect me not to be nervous when you held a gun to me the first time we met and killed a man less than twenty-four hours ago" She mutters, and I stare at her, trying to hide my amusement.

Why I'm amused? I have no fucking clue. She makes a valid point.

"At my old job, I would have been shot dead if I was anything but respectful and obedient. So it's ridiculous for you to expect me to act casual around you" She scoffs, standing up and storming off to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

I stare at the now empty chair in front of me in disbelief, before chuckling, unable to believe she went from whispering around me to giving out.

The door opens again, and Talia steps back out. She grabs her empty plate and brings it over to the sink. I watch her curiously as she rinses it in the sink before putting it in the dishwasher.

She then walks back over and stands behind the chair she was just sitting on.

"I'd like to apologize-"

I can't help it.

I laugh.

She stares at me in shock while I quickly try to calm down.

"If you're going to give out to someone, don't come apologizing less than a minute later. Stand by your words or else you look like an idiot" I chuckle, and she narrows her eyes at me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You make a valid point. Perhaps I should have worded myself better. I'm not going to harm you unless you lead me to believe you're not who you say you are" I tell her, leaning back in my chair.

"All I ask is you calm down. Your nervous attitude is both annoying and stressful" I say, standing up and grabbing the file from the table, deciding to read it in my office instead, where there are no distractions.

Talia stares at me closely, before slowly nodding her head.

"Any other complaints?" I ask, and she glances away, clearing her throat as she shakes her head.

With that, I walk past and head straight to my office.

With a smile on my face that I can't seem to get rid of.

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