Chapter 24 - Taking A Day Off from Practice

Start from the beginning

"LadyF/n, you don't need to leave, I am sorry that my clumsiness has disturbed.."

"No you're not!" I yell back to him and he is surprised by my outburst.

"You are trying to get my attention, and placed me in a situation that no matter what my response would be, you win..." I say and he smirks, then clears his throat.

"This wasn't a game..." he begins

"Really? You think I don't know how you think?" I yell, "come on Loki, give me some credit...I am not one of the bubble heads that has been following you around.."

"Ah...does that bother you?" he taunts, "the attention I get from other women."

Fuming as I pack up my bag with my books, I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. Standng up and looking him eyes I can see so much in them; the beautiful eyes of my oldest friend, but right now, they are the eyes of the person that I am most annoyed with. I take a defensive stance and he does the same.

"I see it does..." he smiles

"You know what Loki?..." I begin and raise my hands just as our mothers walk in.

"Oh my goodness, we are so sorry to interrupt you as you both practice...So good to see that you..." Frigga stops in her statement when she finally realizes how Loki and I are glaring at each other.

"You know what..." my mom begins, "let's go home, F/n, and perhaps the four of us can talk tomorrow...Have a good evening"

My mom grabs me and pulls me from the room, but Loki and I continue to yell at each other. Instead of going back home, she takes me into the village for some dinner and shopping. The day passes quickly and we return home, she has to check in with Frigga and then work with Heimdall for a bit. I decide that I am going to stay inside for the night and fix some tea, grab a book and curl up at the fireplace. I am still fuming over my interaction with Loki afternoon but I have to be honest to myself- I miss him.

Sif and the warriors knock on my door to invite me to go out with them tonight.

"Come along Lady F/n, our revels tonight will be epic, I have invited Loki to join us tonight." Thor says. "He has been melancholy lately and needs a night out..."

"Not tonight guys, but thanks." I say, "My side is still a little sore, so I am going to rest tonight. You guys have fun."

Sif gives me a hug, and Thor hangs back for a moment.

"Lady F/n, did my brother do something to upset you?" he asks. "I know that you and he argued yesterday, yet I do not know the contents of such disagreement."

"No Thor, he didn't." I respond, "I just need some time to rest, even though my side is mostly healed, it still gets sore very easily. I don't think that I have completely recovered from last night yet either."

"Well my friend, enjoy your evening..." Thor says and disappears down the hall.

Moving over to look out of the windows of the terrace, I put my head on the cool glass. It looks like is a cooler night on Asgard with a little bit of a wind. I miss Loki. There are times we would sit by the fireplace in the library, on nights such as this. We would read stories to each other, and practice some spells and usually end up laughing hysterically. Covered in blankets, having some tea and just enjoying being in each other's presence; and I do not know if I will ever find that with someone else.

Sighing and settling back in to read by the fireplace, I am relieved to have the place to myself. My mom is with Frigga, planning a ball I am sure since Odin loves to have parties. And then she is assist Heimdall with the watch tonight; there was an issue brewing on the other side of the universe so they were both going to keep their eyes on it. Finally settling into a relaxation mode, I fall asleep but I am awakened quite a while later by some pounding on the doors. As I get up to head to the doors I feel a strange sensation in my chest and all over my body. Quickly I look at my side, but it is still sealed and not bleeding. I feel like I cannot catch my breath; I do not understand where this pain and discomfort is coming from. The pounding on the doors continue and I stagger towards them, but stop when I feel a message from Loki.

Please, F/n help me...You're the only one I can rely on...



Where are you?

There is no response, but the pounding on the door continues. Finally reaching the door, I open it to reveal bloodied and beaten Loki, holding his wrist, and he has a black eye that has swollen shut. All of the annoyance and anger that I have been feeling toward him have instantly melted away upon seeing him.

"Loki! Oh my gods, what happened to you?" I say and quickly usher him inside, check the hallway to see if anyone saw him, and then close and lock it.

"Hi..." he says and smirks and collapses into me as we sink to the floor. "I bet you are wondering what I am doing here..and I am so sorry to impose."

He makes an attempt at humor, as I hold him for a moment or two and can feel him crying. We sit on the floor until he stops.

"Shhhh, sshhh, you're safe, I promise you..." I hold him and place my hand on his head so it rests on my chest.

"You're the only one who can help me..." he whispers and wraps his arms around me.

"I will help you, I promise. Come on, can you make it to my room?" I say and he nods.

"Really? After not seeing me for so long, you are already taking me to your room?" he laughs and grabs his side.

"Well, I am glad to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor. What happened to you?" I say and he shakes his head.

"Nothing I wish to discuss at the moment" he says and I nod.

"Sit here, let me draw you a bath.." I say and help him lay back on the bed a little, each movement seems to cause him pain and he grunts.

He groans with pain and reaches up to grab my hand; we lock eyes for a moment, and I just nod.

"It's ok, Loki...just rest for a moment, I will be right back."

Rushing to my bathroom I draw a bath, and search to find some of the healing bath salts I have but I am so nervous and scared for Loki that I am shaking and manage to drop everything I touch. Grabbing an extra robe I have I cast a quick spell to make it more his style.

Oh my! What could have happened to him? And after all that we have said to each other, he still comes to me for help...that's how I know it has to be bad. He couldn't even go to his mother. So whoever did this to him is someone he can't tell his mother about. There's no way these are fake, they are not an illusion.

Finally calming for a moment, I manage to get his bath ready. Running back to my bed I can see that Loki has closed his eyes and laid back a little bit further on the bed. He has managed to take some of his clothes off but either stopped or passed out as he was undressing.

"Loki... LOKI! Wake up!" and I shake him gently. "Oh my, please wake up!"

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