"Enough," Tom stated surely, standing up, none of his thoughts displaying on his face. A frown passed over his features when he wasn't immediately complied with. For a second he thought of showing his own magic, but nixed that idea, Hadrian had every right to stand up for himself otherwise he would have become a target by the majority of Slytherin house as a coward.

Not even his word would have been able to quell the most of their ridicule not that he thought the boy would roll over and show his belly. "He has learnt his lesson, let him go." his wand slipping into his hand, having a feeling he knew what was going to happen.

As for why he knew? Because it was something he'd do himself. Then just like that Hadrian dropped his hand, willing to let Avery fall the entire way without remorse. He vindictively would have allowed it, but unfortunately questions would have been asked if he had been forced to take the fool to the hospital wing. "Arresto momentum!" he uttered allowing Avery's plummet to the floor slow down significantly, but he still fell with indignity and no small amount of pain. At least his bones weren't broken in the fall he thought savage amusement.

He heard Hadrian asking the first year if she was alright and turned around himself, only the boy was once again on the move, having received an answer from the female Prince. Without another word, he just gathered up his supplies, put them in his bag and disappeared up the stairs to the dorm. Immediately speculation was rife, all of them coming to the same conclusion he had weeks ago - Hadrian Peverell wasn't a weakling new to magic, he was powerful, smart and worthy of their respect.

He ignored the gossip and stared at Avery, waiting until the boy focused on him. He jerked his head to the others, and they immediately knew what he wanted. They helped Avery up, moving up the stairs to the dungeons and into a corridor nobody ventured near and into the cold empty room. Once upon a time it had probably been a dorm room or they'd planned it as such - but it had evidently been unused for many years.

Lestrange immediately cast a silencing spell around the room and locked the door, before standing guard all the same. Nott stood at the other side of the room, his eyes alight with anticipation, it was always fun when someone else was on the receiving end of Tom's anger. Of course...if it was you, then it sucked, nobody wanted to be targeted by Tom Riddle.

Avery finally looked up and met the stone face of Tom Riddle and began to tremble faintly.

"What did I tell you about Peverell?" he spoke with deceptive mildness, not that he needed to speak louder - the silence in the room was deafening.

"I'm sorry," Avery spoke, apologetic and wary.

Tom just stood there and then Avery began to scream, inflicting the same curse Avery had tried to use on Hadrian - but at least Hadrian was man enough not to scream or wet himself.

He stopped it as abruptly as he started it, "I will not tell you again, the next time Avery, you'll wish you had listened." that's if Hadrian didn't do as promised and kill the fool. Turning swiftly, Tom left the room, leaving Avery to pick himself up; he deserved it for trying to use it on someone else. He'd used his wand! He could have gotten caught and expelled! He'd taught them better! Stupid, idiotic fool.


Tom Riddle entered his Dorm room, followed by Lestrange and Nott, Avery was noticeably absent, and Tom had a thoroughly satisfied look on his face. He paused to look over at Hadrian, arching an eyebrow more amused than anything.

He was sitting doing his homework on his bed, his wand lit and tucked behind his ear giving him enough light to work with in order to get what he would bet was the Transfiguration assignments Dumbledore had given him done. Lestrange and Nott grabbed their nightwear and shower bag before leaving without a word - not even daring to look Hadrian's way.

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