Swallowing thickly as he remembered his warning, he strengthened his barriers fully; he would not allow Dumbledore even read his surface thoughts. The thought of the old man trying to see into his mind, his mind! Caused him to shudder afoul at the idea.

Moving his body slightly, becoming uncomfortable having sat in that position for a few minutes, his body was still so sore. Only then did he notice his body, his very young body, horror slammed into him as he squeaked in indignant shock which he would deny to his dying breath.

He'd spent years getting rid of his disgusting malnourished body, it was so unfair, and he felt undeniably cheated. He swore he would find a way to tell Death that he wasn't happy the slightest at what's happened. He wouldn't remain this way, he would do whatever it took to get himself back to...well how he was before this whole thing happened.

His head jerked to the side, hearing footsteps, it looked like it was time to get his game face on. He just wished he knew what age he was supposed to be, he certainly wasn't old enough to be out of school at least where his appearance was concerned.

He should have thought about asking, but he hadn't expected to end up in his younger body? If such a thing could be termed as such! He looked as though he had de-aged. The indignant look was cleared from his face replaced with a more neutral mask. At least he wouldn't have to deal with Dumbledore since he wasn't the Headmaster, from the diary he knew Dumbledore was just the deputy, the actual Headmaster was Dippet.

Unfortunately in this he wasn't favored, as he immediately recognized Dumbledore even if he was decades younger. Along with an older wizard, he knew to be Dippet, his portrait hung like all Headmasters of Hogwarts within the Headmasters office. Dippet had never spoken often; when he had he'd defended Dumbledore against Phineas Black.

Which meant there was every chance Dippet was already being manipulated by Dumbledore. He was just as frail as he appeared in his portrait, but he knew better than to judge anyone by their appearance. If both of them were there, then they'd obviously had a spell on him so they knew when he woke up. It surprised him that the current healer wasn't here though, which set him on guard.

"Hello, young man," Dippet said, walking forward, stopping at the foot of Harry's bed, gazing at him in what could only be sympathy and concern. "How are you feeling?"
At the same time Albus Dumbledore opened his mouth, "Who are you? What's you name?"

Harry gulped, young man? Well he did not like being spoken to like a kid but he would have to get used to it. Which meant he couldn't speak how he normally would, this already sucked, there's no way he would be allowed to enter Hogwarts - it had never been done before in all his years at Hogwarts. "I hurt," Harry confessed, he could handle it though but they didn't need to know that. He completely ignored Dumbledore's question, it might be considered rude but he spoke over someone else and that was even ruder.

Even he, supposedly a fourteen year old would know that. Good question, what was his name? Harry Peverell didn't have a pureblood ring to it, and he didn't want to be thought of as a Muggle-born here in this time, the pureblood supremacy was worse now than it was in his own time if it was possible. No, he had been protected by his status as the 'Boy-who-lived' here he had no such protection. "Hadrian Peverell," Harry murmured making his decision to use the one Death had suggested.

"Irene?" Dippet called, wondering where on earth she had gotten to. When no immediate response was forth coming, he walked over to the door that hid her office. Knocking he waited for a few moments when he didn't get an answer he opened the door a tad, looking around.

It wasn't like her to neglect her duties; there was a young boy in pain she should have been alerted like both of them when young Hadrian had come around. Moving through the office to her quarters he knocked hard. He could go no further; he would never invade his employee's privacy in such a way. That and they were individually warded so to get into them would require a lot of time - something he did not have.

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