Chapter 14 "trapped with secrets"

Start from the beginning

Damien watched me for a few seconds in silence before speaking "you're injured" he stated bluntly.

I looked at him surprised he brought that up and looked away uncomfortable trying to hide my ankles. 

I didn't want him to touch me. 

Damien's face hardened for a moment as he watched me, but there was concern swimming in his pupils, it felt like he was Searching for an answer from me.

I just kept my lips sealed shut not saying a word to him, I didn't want to let anything slip by accident. 

"I'll get a medical exam prepared for you" Markus mumbled pulling out his phone, I grew tense at the idea and scoffed "yeah no...don't touch me" I scoffed with hatred covered words. 

A few moments later a wolf walked in with some basic food on a tray, plain chicken salad, fruits, bread, tea and cinnamon rolls. 

I stared at it even more confused. 

"What the fuck is this?" I snapped and looked up at the Two mutts in front of me. 

"Food, a good meal, you need it, it's been hours and you won't heal unless you eat, this food is healthy for you" Damien stated as he watched me closely.

"I don't want it...or your medical help, so don't even try it" I scoffed at them, I didn't want to eat, I didn't feel hungry, I was too anxious and stressed to eat right now. I couldn't believe they would think I'd just eat what they handed to me, like some obedient human. 

"You need to eat" Damien stated, his voice firm and strict, but with an odd sense of comforting warmth.

"I don't need or want it, you've probably poisoned it, I'm not touching it. I know you brainwash humans here who don't want to be here, I'm not a fool" I spat back at them with a harsh glare.

Markus sighed at my stubbornness and sat up with a smile "we understand this is stressful and you have your own opinions, but I can promise you're safe here, this is the safest place you can be, no one is going to brainwash you or make you do anything you don't want to" 

"So you're going to let me walk out of here Scot free and won't bother me again?" I quickly shot back looking at him up and down. 

"Almost...almost anything" Markus corrected and cleared his throat "you can't leave, being Damien's mate you need to be here, things are... complicated" he explained, I felt flustered at the thought of being mates with Damien.

Thinking back to that night we spent together.

Complicated was the understatement of my life. 

I felt my body flush at the vague memories I had of that night, a mix of shame and I think pride was swirling in my gut.

I think Damien noticed, I felt his eyes prying into my mind again, I felt a panic rush through me, I didn't want him seeing those thoughts or memories. 

I quickly put up a mental blockade, fortifying my mind to be a vault so he couldn't get in. 

I glanced up and felt my stomach drop when I saw the slightest smirk on his lips. I glared at him but I could swear my cheeks were a little pink.

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