Ch. 6

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Summer turned to fall, and Seabrook transitioned into the vibrant colors of autumn. Aurelia continued to embrace her life in the town, finding joy in the changing seasons and deepening her friendship with Eliza, Zed, and Bonzo. They explored the pumpkin patches, went apple picking, and relished the cozy atmosphere of the fall season in Seabrook.

Aurelia's initial apprehension had turned into a genuine affection for the town and its people, especially as they celebrated unique fall traditions. As leaves painted the streets in shades of red, orange, and yellow, she and her friends immersed themselves in the beauty of the season. They carved pumpkins, went on hayrides, and attended the town's famous autumn festival.

Life in Seabrook had begun to feel more like home than she had ever expected. Her identity as Ari, the transfer student, was no longer a façade but an integral part of her existence. Her friendship with the zombies had become an anchor in her life, a source of joy and comfort.

Her head was leaned up against the glass of the car window.

It was fall break and she was on her way home.

It felt odd going back to Auradon.

Aurelia's thoughts drifted as the car carried her back to Auradon. The familiar sights and the anticipation of reuniting with her family contrasted with the new life she had found in Seabrook. The journey home was a bridge between two worlds, each with its own allure and challenges. As she crossed the boundary into Auradon, Aurelia couldn't help but wonder how her life had changed in such a short time.

The car carried her through the gates of Auradon, and Aurelia couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

As she stepped out of the car and into the grandeur of Auradon Castle, Aurelia took a deep breath, ready to embrace the responsibilities that awaited her.

"Are you ready?" Lumiere asked her, in a voice filled with both anticipation and uncertainty.

She looked up to meet his gaze, and said simply, "I'm a princess, Lumiere. I'm always ready."

Aurelia smiled and continued toward the doors of the castle. Inside, she heard music playing softly.

Standing in front of the great stone doors, a familiar sense of comfort washed over her. She smiled, feeling a sense of calm. Before her stood the main hall of the castle, glowing with light and adorned with festive décor.

As Aurelia walked down the wide marble staircase, she looked around, searching for her parents.

A grin crossed her face when she met the gaze of Mrs. Potts, who was setting up a table with a tea service.

"Welcome home, dear," Mrs. Potts said, her smile warm and inviting.

"Thank you, Mrs. Potts," Aurelia replied. "It's good to be back."

As she continued through the grand hall, her eyes scanned the room for her family. It didn't take long to spot her parents.

Queen Belle and King Adam stood near a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, deep in conversation.

Aurelia's heart swelled with love as she approached them.

"Mom, Dad," she said with a bright smile, "I'm home."

Her parents turned to her, their faces lighting up with joy at the sight of their daughter. King Adam's eyes held a hint of pride, while Queen Belle's embrace conveyed a mother's warmth.

"Aurelia," Queen Belle exclaimed, holding her daughter tightly, "we've missed you so much."

King Adam ruffled her hair playfully. "It's good to have you back, my little rose."

With a final embrace, Queen Belle pulled away and took a step back.

"You've grown so much," Queen Belle observed.

"Yes," agreed her father. "And you look more beautiful every day."

Aurelia blushed.

"I've only been gone a month," she pointed out,

"Two months too long," Her brother's voice said from behind her.

Aurelia turned to meet her brother's eyes, "Ben!" She exclaimed, her eyes welling up with tears. She embraced her older brother tightly, grateful for his protective presence.

Ben returned the hug with equal fervor. "I'm so glad you're back, Lia. I missed you."

"Where's Mal?" Aurelia said, searching for her sister-in-law.

A moment later, Mal entered the room, smiling. "Miss me?"

"More than you could ever know," And she pulled away from her brother's embrace to greet her sister-in-law with a tight hug.

Mal pulled back with a smile. "It's good to see you, Lia. I've missed you too."

"I have so much to tell you," Aurelia said excitedly.

Mal nodded. "I can't wait to hear all about Seabrook."

A Princess and A Zombie (A Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Descendants AU)Where stories live. Discover now