Chapter 17 - I Am Your Prince Too

Start from the beginning

"True, but it wouldn't be the same, you and I always have the first dance of any ball, and this one should have been no different," he says and we continue to entwine our fingers with each other's. "Come with me..."

"Loki I can't leave here, and besides I am not dressed to go anywhere." I protest and drop my hand from his.

With a wave of his hand, he has put me in a pair of satiny pajamas. He summons a blanket and wraps it around my shoulders and makes sure I have some of my socks on.

"Where are we going?" I ask, "Loki I shouldn't..."

"Just hold on to me love...I will always keep you safe. I promise, my way will be more fun."

He says and in a shimmer of green mist we disappear from the balcony and appear on the pink bench he made for me years ago. From this place we can hear the music faintly and see the lights from the ball room. Looking closely, I can see some of the guests mingling and dancing. I look over to Loki to say thank you, when he makes a gesture to people behind me. Out of nowhere Thor, Sif, and Fandral appear and engulf me in a huge hug. We all start talking at once, and they say that this was all Loki's idea. We spend a few moments chatting and then they have to get back to dance.

"Are you coming brother? " Thor asks,

"No brother, I need to take F/n back to the healer's ward..." he says and Thor shrugs and walks away

Sif and Fandral comes over and hug me, then tell Loki to take his time, they will cover for him. Loki pulls me to him again and we sway gently as if we are dancing.

"I'm sorry this will have to do for dancing, as you are in no condition to waltz," he laughs.

"Loki... thank you." I say, "I don't know what I would have done without you. Eira and the mothers said you were key in giving some power to Frigga to stabilize me."

He pulls back and stares into my eyes.

"I would do anything for you..." he says. " I...."

I cannot look away from his eyes, and I can see something in there that I have never seen before. I can feel something stirring deep down inside of me. Has he always looked at me like this? Leaning closer to each other, our lips brush up against each other in a clumsy soft, innocent kiss that is over all too quickly.

" Sorry, I should not have done that.." I say,

"No, it is I who should be apologizing to you..." he says "Let's get you back to the ward so you can get cleaned up and into bed. I will come back and see you before you sleep."

Arriving back in my room, I say good bye to Loki who promises to return later. Moving over to get cleaned up, and changing into some night clothes, I suddenly feel weak and fall. I land on my left side which starts to bleed again. I don't think I can get up and walk.


Back in the grand hall, my mom is mingling and talking with her fellow Asgardians when she gets my telepathy. Being the diplomat that she is, she grabs Frigga and heads off to the healer's ward. Loki watches from a distance as he has gotten roped into a conversation with Eira's daughter, Honora.

Hmmm I wonder what is happening? I need to see, Kathalia left so quickly and took mother with her, I wonder if F/n is ok? She was fine when I left her.

Loki turns from Honora, not bothering to properly excuse himself and dashes after the mothers. My mom comes in the room and finds me on the floor clutching my left side that is bleeding a little.

"Mom!" I say.

Loki moves and quickly picks me up and puts me on the bed. Frigga moves and uses more of the healing balms to stop the bleeding. She decides that it is probably a good idea to increase the treatment I receive to hopefully speed up the healing process. Satisfied that I am feeling better, she takes me to the restroom to get cleaned up and changed for bed. With a few practiced moves, my mom draws a dagger and shoves Loki up against the nearest wall. She pins him there with her arm and holds the dagger at his throat.

"I have been incredibly patient with you, Your Highness, and now that patience has run out." She says through gritted teeth, "what happened to my daughter? I know you know, and I know you were involved."

"Lady Kathalia...." Loki stammers, "please..."

"No, tell me now or I will make sure you feel the exact pain she is feeling. You were missing from the ball for a short time. Once I saw you were back, I get my daughter's telepathy that she needed my help. I know you are involved."

Loki looks over to the door where Frigga and left the room.

She did not tell me that she is in any pain; why would she go with me if she knew it was wrong? Because you made told her you would keep her safe, and you failed...again.

"Mom!" I exclaim as we re-enter the room, "What are you doing to him?"

"Just trying to get some answers my dear," she says and turns back to Loki, "I'm waiting your highness."

Frigga helps me get back in bed; she props me up on some pillows, and then covers me. She gives me some tea, and within moments I have fallen asleep. Once she sees that her draught has worked, she moves over to where Kathalia keeps Loki pinned against the wall.

"Loki, please... you were the last one to see her, what happened" Frigga says calmly as Kathalia maintains her grip on him

"I know how badly she wanted to attend tonight, so I took a few moments and came to see her." Loki sighs, "I teleported her to the pink the bench so we could be a little closer to the ballroom so she could see some of our friends and hear some of the music. Thor, Sif, and Fandral came out and joined us for a drink, and after awhile I brought her back here."

"I only wanted to give her a moment of happiness since she couldn't be there, we weren't even gone that long" he finishes.

"Do you not understand the seriousness of her condition?" Kathalia yells, "she could have died, she isn't strong enough to teleport, to stand for long periods of time, and she most certainly should not be having any wine or mead. "

"I think she is stronger than you think, Kathalia" Loki says and my mother gets angry.

"Loki, why did you take her from here?" Frigga asks before Kathalia and Loki get into a larger fight.

"I just wanted to make her happy for a short time." Loki says with tears in his eyes, "she told me that she felt bad because she couldn't be there, she felt left out so I.. I wanted to make her happy"

"It's always about you isn't it?" Kathalia begins, "you wanted to make her feel better, regardless of what that would have done to her, even with the horse incident; it was about you. You needed to win at childhood games so made sure something had happened to her, and what are you trying to win now? When will you start acting like a prince instead of the spoiled stubborn boy that always pushed her down?"

"Lady Kath-"

"NO! you will listen to me...!" she begins, "from this moment and until I decide further, you will not set foot in this room as long as my daughter is here. And even when she gets home, you will not come near her; I don't even want you to look at her or think about her. I do not care how much that hurts either of you for that matter, she needs to heal, and right now, you are not helping."

"But ..." Loki tries to respond, but when he sees the anger in Kathalia eyes, he stops and blinks back tears, " you wish Lady Kathalia"

What will I do without her? I need my friend...

Kathalia turns back to my side and holds my hand while I rest. Frigga pulls Loki back to her, and guides him from the room. She returns to Kathalia and gives her shoulders a squeeze.

"Let's talk tomorrow my friend, both you and Loki are upset." Frigga says, "but you must know, I cannot have you talking to my son that way ever again. Though what he did was wrong, I can't allow you to ever do that again."

"Thank you Your Majesty, I'm sorry, but you have to understand what she means to me." Kathalia says, "she is my everything."

"I think Loki feels the same..." Frigga says, and leaves the room.

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