³⁰. Taehyung meets Tyung!

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Taehyung was in his room doing his researche when he suddenly got an idea of following jungkook.

wherever he was.

so he goes down to tell the others, yet he finds yoongi reading a book alone on the living rooms couch.

yoongi says tells him no one is home, since they all had errands to run. so Taehyung impatiently tells him the plan but yoongi shakes his head refusing the idea.

Taehyung's eyes glimmered with determination as he approached Yoongi, his voice carrying urgency.

"Listen, Yoongi, I can't just sit here and do nothing while Jungkook might be in danger. I have to find out the truth about Tyung and what happened to Jungkook. I need to go back to that old palace and follow him there."

Yoongi set his coffee cup down, his expression serious. "Taehyung, I understand your concern, but it's too risky. We don't know what we're dealing with here. Jungkook might have been pulled into a different time or dimension. You can't just go there blindly."

Taehyung's frustration bubbled to the surface. "But I have to do something! I can't just stay here, wondering and worrying. I need to find him."

Yoongi's tone softened, his concern evident. "I get it, Taehyung. I do. But rushing into this without a plan could make things worse. We need to research, gather information, and figure out a way to approach this situation carefully. Your safety matters too."

Taehyung clenched his fists, torn between his desperation to find Jungkook and Yoongi's valid concerns.

"I just... don't wanna lose him, Yoongi. I.. dont like the thought of never seeing him again."

a flash of realization passed through yoongi's eyes, "you like him a lot, don't you?"

taehyung feels a lump in his throat as he sighs heavily, "its stupid I know. we dont even know each other that much. but I swear, since the minute I saw him I felt like I knew him..it doesn't make sense. and after that, each time I talk to him he keeps drawing me in, even when he's rude to me," he gulps.

yoongi closes his eyes in acknowledgement of the situation before standing up.

"it doesn't have to make sense, if you like him, you like him." he smiles, "the question is, does he know about this? do you think there's a chance for you two to happen?"

Taehyung looks at the ceiling, ruffling his own hair. "I dont know." yoongi hums at this.

"We won't give up on finding Jungkook. But we need to be smart about it. Let's work together, gather our resources, and come up with a plan. We'll find him, Taehyung. I promise."


that night, taehyung kept flipping in his bed. he spoke to the researchers again when they were all there. and they all were against his idea too.

In Jin's absence, the researchers gathered around the notes he had left behind, their eyes scanning the carefully written hieroglyphics on the ancient papyrus scrolls. scattered around the living room and on the floor.

tunred out that Jin, during his exploration in Imhotep's tomb, had made a significant discovery-a coffin bearing the name 'Tyung,' adorned with intricate symbols.

His words echoed through the room, they the notes in jins diary with furrowed brows.

I found a coffin, covered in hieroglyphics that I couldn't fully decipher,
But there was a date-a date that I believe marks the birth and death of Tyung. He was only twenty-two when he passed away.

the secret of kemet.  taekookМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя