𓆅⁹. heartstruck

120 21 15

As Jungkook found himself locked up in an ancient Egyptian jail, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Well, this is not exactly how I planned my day to go," he muttered to himself. But being the resourceful and quick-thinking guy that he was, Jungkook immediately started brainstorming his escape plan.

Looking around the jail cell, he took note of every detail.

The walls were made of rough stone, covered in hieroglyphics that seemed to tell stories of pharaohs and ancient battles.

The cell itself was small and dimly lit, with a single barred window high up near the ceiling. There was a rusty iron bed frame in one corner, and a bucket in another corner that served as the toilet.

Jungkook's mind raced as he considered his options.

Plan A: He could try to pick the lock with something sharp. But he didn't have anything sharp! He mentally facepalmed at his lack of preparation.

Plan B: Maybe he could use his teleportation powers again to escape? But then again, it was precisely his teleportation that got him into this mess in the first place. Plus, who knew where he would end up next? Antarctica? The moon? No thanks!

Plan C: Perhaps he could overpower the guards when they came to deliver food? But then again, these were ancient Egyptian guards we're talking about - they probably had some serious combat skills under those fancy costumes. Jungkook wasn't exactly keen on getting into a wrestling match with someone who had been trained for centuries.

Plan D: What if he tried to dig a tunnel using just his bare hands? It worked for those prisoners in movies all the time! But ... digging through solid stone with bare hands would take forever! And besides, where would all that dirt go?

Jungkook scratched his head in frustration.

None of these plans seemed foolproof or even remotely practical. He needed something clever and unexpected

but he found none.

Chuckling at the absurdity of it all, Jungkook couldn't help but laugh.


As Pharaoh Tyung made his way towards the jail area, his curiosity about the captured spy, Jungkook, grew stronger with each step.

He had always been fascinated by what lay beyond the borders of Egypt, yearning to explore distant lands and learn about different cultures. This encounter with Jungkook presented a perfect opportunity for him to satisfy his curiosity.

The scene was set in a dimly lit corridor of the palace, adorned with intricate hieroglyphics and guarded by towering statues of ancient gods.

Pharaoh Tyung's presence commanded attention as he elegantly walked down the corridor, flanked by his loyal guards.

His attire was resplendent - an opulent gold outfit that shimmered under the flickering torchlight. His eyes were accentuated with kohl and golden eyeliner, enhancing their already intimidating and captivating gaze that had charmed many before.

As he approached the jail area, Pharaoh Tyung could feel a sense of anticipation building within him. The air was heavy with tension as he prepared himself to meet this mysterious spy who had infiltrated his chambers.

The guards opened the heavy iron doors, revealing a small cell where Jungkook was being held.

Pharaoh Tyung stepped forward gracefully, his eyes scanning every detail of Jungkook's appearance. There was something undeniably odd about him -

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