𓁩³. silent whispers

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INT. HOTEL ENTRANCE - Sept 4th, 2022

it was finally the day jungkook would be stepping on the pyramids. he has been excited all morning after receiving the permission to go there with his two silly friends whom only care about food and pretty Arabian girls.

he had loaded his belongings in the car outside the hotel, along with hoseok dramatic complaints at how heavy the luggage was.

namjoon was checking out from the hotel after their two days stay. and as jungkook stretched his body, calmly taking in the fresh air of the sands, his pleasure was abruptly cut short when he witnessed a disturbing sight.

An Egyptian man, consumed by anger, violently attacking a terrified woman near the hotel entrance.

Jungkook's face contoured in displeasure, his heart racing with a mix of concern and anger.

Ignoring his big mouthed friend hoseok sarcastic comments, Jungkook stepped forward, his voice firm yet calm, "Hey buddy, I think you're solving your problemsthe wrong way. Why don't we all take a deep breath and talk this out?" he gestured to the obviously scared woman.

Hoseok sensed Jungkook's seriousness, so he stood by his side, offering silent support.

the Egyptian Man freezes, caught off guard by Jungkook's presence. he glared at him, his face contorted with rage. "Mind your own business! This woman deserves it!"

Jungkook's brow shot up the sky at the rude tone, "No one deserves to be treated like this. if you don't want to talk, walk away now, and we can all avoid unnecessary trouble."

the man scoffed in anger, "Who are you to tell me what's right or wrong? Stay out of this, kid!"

Jungkook's eyes flash with a touch of humor, but his tone remains serious.

"Kid? I may be younger than you, but age doesn't determine wisdom. Let me educate you on a few things." he smiles widely.

"women should be treated kindly. they should be respected and should feel safe. you as a man attacking a defenseless woman tells a lot about you." jungkook grins, "now, you can leave calmly, or my friend here will call the police, which one do you want" he adds gesturing to a confused hoseok, who pointed at himself dumbly.

the Egyptian Man glances around, realizing the growing crowd witnessing their confrontation.

as time passes, he grew angry and defensive, "you can't threaten me! I'll do what I want!"

Jungkook's expression turns serious, his voice carrying a hint of warning. "it's never too late old man"

The Egyptian Man hesitates, his anger slowly subsiding as he considers Jungkook's words. The crowd watches with bated breath.

Jungkook reaches for his phone, ready to dial the authorities if necessary.

the man curses under his breath, "fine, I'm leaving." he glares at the woman one last time before storming off. occasionally turning back as he walked away.

Jungkook's gaze softened as he turned to the woman, offering her his hand with a reassuring smile. "Are you alright?"

she nodded weakly, looking around in embarrassment, jungkook figured she might be scared still from the way she didn't let go of his hand, "You're safe now. We won't let him harm you."

The woman nods, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Thank you for helping. he was my rude landlord. he always does this wheneverhe needs money. " she mumbled.

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