𓄿²³. guiding my night & light up your day

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a month later

As the days unfolded within the opulent walls of the palace, Jungkook and Tyung kept each others full company, their relationship deepening with each passing moment.

The initial exchanges of formalities gave way to a genuine connection, meetings full of genuine laughter, shared secrets, and the resonance of two souls finding comfort in the other's presence.

Jungkook asked Tyung so many things involving him and the Pharaoh revealed fragments of his past, opening up about the profound bond he shared with his mother.

Jungkook listened attentively, absorbing the vulnerability beneath Tyung's regal exterior.

The weight of grief and the echo of a once-filled void lingered in Tyung's words, forging a bridge of understanding between them.

Conversely, Jungkook shared tales of his upbringing, painting a vivid picture of his parents' love and stories with his friends.

The ones about Hoseok, in particular, elicited genuine mirth from Tyung.

As weeks turned into a month, the palace buzzed with whispers of the inseparable duo. Tyung, once cloaked in regal reserve, now displayed a newfound tranquility.

The courtiers noticed the subtle glances, the shared smiles, and the ease that marked their interactions.

Jungkook and Tyung found solace in late-night conversations and stolen glances during formal events.

they found home in each others arms and kisses.

The palace, once a realm of duty and decorum, now bore witness to warmth that defied expectations. Tyung's serene self spoke volumes, a testament to the quiet harmony that had blossomed in his heart.

until one day..

Tyung's footsteps echoed with purpose as he approached jungkooks chambers, anticipation building within him for the evening he had planned with Jungkook.

Yet as he neared the door, an unsettling atmosphere hung in the air. The guards, usually swift and deferential, hesitated, their eyes flickering with uncertainty.

Bristling with frustration, Tyung fixed his gaze on them, his voice cutting through the tension like a sharp blade.

"I am the Pharaoh," he asserted, his tone commanding obedience. "No one, not even Jungkook, can ban my entry."

The guards swiftly dropped to their knees, their faces etched with fear as they fumbled to open the doors.

Tyung's irritation simmered beneath his regal facade, his mind racing with questions.

What could possibly prompt Jungkook to give such orders? The mystery hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the night that was supposed to be filled with starlit intimacy.

once hes in, he spotted his lover sitting on the bed, hunched forward in a position of slight distress. with furrowed eyebrows, he made his way up to him.

Tyung's fingers traced soothing circles on Jungkook's tense shoulders as he sat beside him on the bed.

His voice was laced with genuine concern, the worry evident in his eyes. "Jungkook, what troubles your mind?" Tyung urged, his tone gentle yet firm, his worry etched on his features.

Jungkook hesitated, his gaze fixed on the floor as he struggled to find the right words. "I... I'm not entirely sure, my Pharaoh," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "There are thoughts... doubts... but I fear how you might react."

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