𓃰¹². love & war

134 23 26

a week later

Detective Ahmed, a seasoned officer of the Egyptian police, looked at J-Hope and Namjoon with a mix of curiosity and concern as they explained the mysterious disappearance of their friend in the bustling city of Cairo.

Detective Ahmed cleared his throat, "let me get this straight. so you're saying your friend just vanished without a trace?"

J-Hope nodded, with a dramatic flourish, "Yes, officer! Poof, gone! Like magic! Well, not really magic, but you know what I mean! We were exploring the ancient sites together, he was feeling unwell so we all headed back to the hotel, and then he just disappeared into thin air."

Namjoon nodded, "We've been looking for him everywhere, asking people, checking hospitals, but there's no sign of him."

Detective Ahmed raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by J-Hope's animated storytelling.

"Magic, you say? We deal with a lot of mysteries here in Egypt, but magic is a new one. Are you sure he didn't just wander off or get lost? perhaps y'all had a fight and he decided he'll go back home?"

J-Hope squeaked with a theatrical gasp, "Detective, you underestimate Jungkook's sense of direction! He could find his way out of a labyrinth blindfolded! besides we didn't fight at all that night, This is different; something strange happened."

"We're really worried about him. We were supposed to leave Egypt a week ago, but we can't just abandon our friend. We need to find him." namjoon explained desperately.

Detective Ahmed, despite his initial skepticism, could see the genuine concern in their eyes.

"Alright, I'll file a missing person report. But I need you both to stay in the country until we figure this out. We'll do our best to locate your friend." the detective suggested.

J-Hope grinned, "Don't worry, officer! We're like Egyptian sunflowers - we'll stay rooted until our friend is back with us!"

Detective Ahmed couldn't help but chuckle at J-Hope's infectious optimism.

"Just make sure you stay safe and cooperate with the investigation. We'll do everything we can to bring your friend back." with that he stood up and walked out, the two friends exchanging a quick look of hope before deciding to follow the detective to complete the procedures.



In the dimly lit chamber, jungkook lay still, wrapped in layers of linen, his once vibrant energy now reduced to fragile breaths.

the poison did weaken him so much it was evident in his now place face.

His eyes were closed, eyelashes casting delicate shadows on his cheeks. Weak moans escaped his lips as he shifted uncomfortably in his sleep, the pain from his wound still haunting his dreams.

Silently, Pharaoh Tyung entered the room, his footsteps barely audible on the soft carpets that adorned the floor.

He stood at the bedside, his eyes fixed on Jungkook's pale face.

Tyung's expression remained cold and distant, the weight of his responsibilities etched in the lines of his regal features. He observed Jungkooks sleeping figure for hours, his mind lost in contemplation.

As Jungkook moaned in pain, Tyung's brows furrowed in distaste, a flicker of concern briefly marring his once composed icy features.

It was a subtle, involuntary reaction, betraying the facade of indifference he tried so hard to maintain.

the secret of kemet.  taekookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat