𓂀². Cryptic Bonds

201 23 22

Scene: Sharm El-sheikh, Egypt- Night

The flight from California to Egypt was an adventure on it's own. Jungkook slipped into a deep slumber, where his mind painted vivid dreams.

In the dream, he found himself amidst the golden dunes of the Egyptian desert. With each step, he uncovered an ancient treasure, its gleam reflecting the sparkle in his eyes.

The dream felt so real, leaving him with a sense of wonder and excitement.

right now and in the heart of Sharm el Sheikh, Jungkook relaxed in a hotel room that felt as majestic as the county's rich history.

The walls, bathed in the soft glow of amber lights, held images of a history long lost but never entirely forgotten. jungkook figured it was made especially for tourists.

Tapestries with ancient symbols adorned the room, weaving a tale of mystery and intrigue. once that jungkook wasn't that unfamiliar with.

Outside his window, the evening unfolded like a poetic masterpiece.

The sky, painted in hues of a fading sunset, merged seamlessly with the calm waters of the sea.

Palm trees swayed gently, their fronds brushing against the canvas of the twilight sky, creating a melody of whispers that danced in the breeze.

In the distance, mountains stood sentinel, their peaks caressed by the last rays of the sun, as if guarding the secrets of centuries past.

The air was thick with the scent of jasmine and sea salt, a fragrant reminder of the lands he's finally had a chance to step on and breath its air.

Lost in the beauty of the moment, Jungkook stood by the window, feeling the weight of history and the promise of adventure in the air.

Jungkook's heart felt light, and a smile played on his lips as he took in the beauty around him.

Suddenly, he felt a warm presence behind him, and instinctively, he knew someone has approached.

He turns slightly, and a pair of arms gently wrap around his waist, pulling him into a back hug. for some unexplainable reason, Jungkook's body relaxes into the embrace, feeling safe and content.

Jungkook's eyes flutter closed as he leans into the warmth, savoring the moment.

The person holding him tightens their grip, their touch sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine. He opens his eyes and gazes into a pair of hypnotizing hazel eyes, lined with kohl. Time seemed to stand still as their eyes locked, and Jungkook's heart skipped a million beats.

Jungkook's mind raced with emotions as he realized the depth of his feelings. The world around him faded away, leaving only him and the person before him.

He felt an overwhelming surge of love, as if every fiber of his being is drawn to this mysterious figure.

His hand reached out, trembling with anticipation, yearning to touch them.

But just as Jungkook's fingertips grazed the figure's arm, they begun to fade away.

Panic enveloped him, and Jungkook's heart pounded in his chest. He desperately clung to the fading figure, his voice trembling as he screams, refusing to accept what is happening.

"No! ... Don't leave! Please, don't go!" His voice echoes into the night, but there is no response.

The figure continues to fade away, leaving Jungkook alone on the balcony, his heart heavy with loss and confusion.

he sunk to his knees, a tear streaming down his face as he tried to comprehend what just happened.

The once serene and dreamy atmosphere now feels cold and empty. He clutches at his chest, feeling a deep ache that seemed impossible to heal.

the secret of kemet.  taekookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat