We Are All Dragons

Start from the beginning

"Because you're a horrible ruler! All you cared about was your image and how to be the best! You NEVER cared for anyone but yourself! All those things you've promised, all those things you've told us, they're all LIES! And thanks to you, the person I look up to is in a cage!" Cody yelled out before taking care of the Claws.

"Yeah! You tell her, Cody!" I cheered for him before using a drone to shoot down other drones with Nya before destroying the drone I used.

Adam was close behind me, he even tripped a Claw while we ran to meet up with the others.

"Fancy meeting you here!" Sora spoke to her master, after taking care of some Claws with Riyu, "Imperium steal your Dragon Core too?"

"Not ours." Lloyd pointed towards Kai and Wyldfyre, "But they did get Kai and Wyldfyre's Core."

Kai got offended by that, "Hey! It's not a competition!"

"Hey, guys!" I smiled, dropping by to say hello to the others, "Yes, I know, Shadow's on our side now! And he's pretty cool! Great help for defeating the Empress."

"What happened?" Lloyd asked me.

"The shorter version was that Shadow wasn't initially trying to chase after me in the first place. He just wanted to find his family and loved ones. I know, I know. It's weird, but trust him! Also, his real name is Cody!" I explained quickly, while also using my powers to take down some Claws and drones.

"Why does he look a LOT like my brother-in-law? Is Cole here?" my brother asked.

"Oh!" I forgot to mention that as well, "He's his doppelganger! I promise I'll explain to you all in detail later, but we REALLY don't got time!"

"Okay...! I guess we could trust him if he passed Sensei's trust of loyalty." Kai was seen scratching his head, he saw Adam and was confused, "Who's the kid following you?"

"Momma! Momma! Look! I defeated an enemy!" Adam grinned, using a stick to smack a Claw that fell upon contact with the stick.

"Nice work, Adam! Very proud of you!" I smiled under my mask to see Adam already defeating his first enemy.


The group except Wyldfyre, Sora and Zane yelled out in shock, "He just called you Mom!" Lloyd pointed out, "What's happening?!"

Adam smiled, "I'm Adam Brookstone! Cole and (Y/N) Brookstone's son! Nice to meet y'a!"





"You have a son?!" Lloyd shouted in surprise.

"And you didn't tell us?!" Kai shouted right after my brother.

"And you chose this time to reveal him? With also bringing him in a battle that is NOT appropriate for his age?" Zane asked after.

"Ferocious lady has an offspring? Cool!" Wyldfyre grinned, everyone looked at her weirdly but she didn't care.

I only chuckled lightly, "Cole and I were going to tell you guys, but the Merge happened and all...I honestly thought I lost Adam. But he was with my husband this whole time."

"Yeah! Dad's awesome! Mom is too!" Adam grinned.

"I'm an uncle...?! I'm an uncle!" Lloyd shouted in question before being happy that he had a nephew.

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now