Pump Up

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Other names:Panpu Appu,パンプアップ,Energy Booster

Inventor:??? Or many fighters
Users:Master Roshi,General Blue, Nappa,Turles,Dodoria,Frieza,
Lord Slug,Neiz,Goku,Android 19, Android 16,Android 15,Android 14,
Android 13,Cell,Bojack,Super Buu,
Tarble,Super 17,Watagash (Heteromorphism 1st Stage),Barry Kahn(Heteromorphism 1st Stage), Slim Robber(Heteromorphism 1st Stage)

Information:is a Power Up|Master Roshi pumps up when in his Max Power form;he uses this before firing a MAX Power Kamehameha to extinguish the roaring flames on Fire Mountain,when he prepares to blow up the moon in his battle against Goku as well as when facing Legendary Super Saiyan Broly on New Planet Vegeta. General Blue uses this technique shortly during his fight against Goku which resulted in him swelling to the extent that Goku in the English dub compared him to a "great big balloon" when witnessing the power up (in the Japanese version Goku instead expressed disgust at Blue's graphic description of his hair and skin looking forward to killing him). Nappa bulks up when he powers up to fight the Dragon Team. Frieza uses it just before transforming into his second form, which causes his Battle Armor to shatter. Frieza also bulks up when activating his 100% Final Form. Piccolo after fusing with Kami, bulks up increasing his power before fighting Android 17. Goku briefly bulks up when assuming his Super Saiyan state before fighting Android 19 and Android 20. Lord Slug uses this when in his Great Namekian form. Bojack uses this when he turns in his Full Power (Hera Clan) form.

Android 19 pumps up when absorbing energy. Other Androids like Android 16 and Android 15 are also able to use the power up. Android 13 bulks up when turning in his Super form and Cell uses this in his Semi-Perfect Form. Super 17 always bulks up temporarily when absorbing ki attacks and then returns to normal when he makes the ki part of his own. He notably bulks up when absorbing Goku's 10x Kamehameha but then he compacts all his muscle mass,turning all that excess power into usable ki and charges up continuous Shocking Death Balls. He later appears in this form when Android 18 forces him to maintain his Absorption Barrier by bombarding him with a barrage of energy blasts allowing Goku to critically damage him with the Dragon Fist and then finishes him off with a Kamehameha.

When Turles eats a fruit from the Tree of Might his body bulks up although this is shown to only be temporary with Turles' body quickly receding back to its normal shape.|Pump Up is also used by Dodoria,Dr. Wheelo,Neiz,Cell and Super Buu.|Watagash when possessing a host will cause said host to bulk up and increase their muscle mass as part of their Heteromorphism. Depending upon how evil the host is Watagash's Heteromorphism will increase by three stages with each stage increasing the host's muscle mass.


Advanced level:need to be trained for 2 days or higher to stay in that form for some boosts

Master:now can stay in the buff form for a while or longer.


1:some power up buff can wear off or limited

2:can hurt you or something that might end you

3:use it too much will go away fast.


1:the pump up is power up and a transformation to me so yeah.

2:pump up can be limited if you use a item or fruit item and sometimes you can pump up by using your natural power or self.

3:this power up can be useful or not depends on your form or yourself.

How to get this transformation

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