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Jimin's POV

I smile and swim towards the edge of the pool where Y/n is sitting with her legs inside the pool. I use my hands and splash water on her, earning a loud groan from her. She glares at me but I grin at her. 

I raise my hand from the water and look at the ring in my hand and then slowly peek at Y/n's hand, rubbing her arm, to look at her ring. "What are you doing?" She barks at me. I giggle and slowly move to her.

I flap my legs underwater, holding the edge of the pool, my hands on either side of her figure and place my chin on her lap. "Why don't you join me, huh?" I ask with a pout and she gives me a dull look. "I don't want to."

"Stop being scared and just join me," I say and try to pull her by her legs but she holds herself back, shaking her head. "I am fine watching you swim," she tells me and I squint my eyes at her. I click my tongue and pass her an irritated look. 

"Y/n, I'll hold you, just take off your dress," I tell her, and she sighs before taking her crochet coverup off. I slowly hold her knees and spread her legs, getting in between them. She would feel nervous by our proximity at other times but right now, only the water is making her nervous.

I grip her waist tightly and she holds my shoulders, slowly moving forward and entering the pool. She wraps her legs around my waist as our warm skins press against each other. "Jimin! If you let me go, I'll kill you!" She screams and holds the ends of my hair that are falling on my nape, pulling them. I hiss in pain but carry her into the pool.

"Fiance kills Park Jimin while swimming in a resort at Jeju. Great headlines for the news tomorrow," I mumble but feel her digging her face into my neck. I chuckle but rub her back comfortingly while she clings on to me like a koala.

"Why are you so scared of the water? You didn't want to get to the beach too," I whisper but she exhales deeply. "When I was young, my dad was driving the car and mom was beside him. I was seated at the back. But somehow the break failed and the car fell across a bridge. There was a lake down there. My parents couldn't survive because of the seatbelt but I-"

"Shh, shh. It's alright. I'm so sorry," I stop her, hating to bring these dreadful memories back to her. She's already strong enough to be near the pool. I don't want her to feel miserable by forcing her to swim. I move us back to the edge of the pool and make her sit back there. She doesn't have tears in her eyes but I can clearly see the sadness in them. I get up to sit beside her. 

"That is why I didn't learn to drive a car too," she says. I suck in a breath, pulling the wet hairs back from my forehead by running my fingers, and then flashing a forceful smile at her. "Don't worry. Your fiance is a good driver. Just order him and he'll take you anywhere you want," I assure her and she smiles. 

"Can I get a kiss?" She asks. I instantly grab her nape and pull her closer to join our lips. My fingers twitch, tightening through her curls. Her arms twine around me as my heartbeat trips at the deep emotions unfurling because of our kiss. I glide my tongue across her lower lip and she gladly opens her mouth, granting me access. 

Maybe, she is still confused about her future with me. If she wants me or not. Fine, she is not mine. But that doesn't mean I'm not hers. Because I am.

Since the very beginning, my heart, body, mind, and soul belonged to her. Ever since she bumped into me when we were young. Fuck, she doesn't even remember me but I had my heart tangled with hers.

So even after years of separation, anonymity, and growing up: I am sent back to her; where I belong. Her. The reason for my existence. Only her.

She gasps in my mouth, losing her breath while I moan into her mouth. We pull apart and she pants while I take ragged breaths, staring at her swollen lips. I lean forth and kiss her short before staring at her softly. "Just a kiss? You could have asked for something more tonight," I rasp, biting my lower lip and she smiles shyly.

She takes her cover up top and slides it over her body. "Jimin, let's go upstairs," she says and stands up. I sigh and run my hands over my hair, pulling them back before standing up beside her. She hands me a towel and I take it from her.

I dry my hair and body with the towel, reaching for my shirt and phone. Y/n takes the towel from me and dries her legs while I check the message I received from Jungkook. My brows furrow to see him popping up in my inbox suddenly so I quickly open it.

Do something about your fans, Hyung. While I was coming to the JinHit building today, there were a few fans who tried to get inside the building and harm Y/n. Thankfully, she wasn't here. I reported this directly to Jin Hyung and he took care of it and sued them all. But still, stay alert with her. Your fans are crazy.

I feel like the air in my lungs was taken away as I read this message. I quickly type in a message thanking Jungkook and he replies with a never mind. "Jimin?" I turn to look at Y/n who looks at me in worry. I smile and grab her hand, pulling her close to me.

"Let's go," I tell her and she gives me a confused stare but nods. We walk to the elevator and slowly return back to our suite. We enter the suite and I look around to see if someone is there, hiding in our room. The constant negative feeling keeps swarming in my mind and I shut the door, locking it properly.

As I turn around, my eyes widen to witness Y/n taking off her crochet coverup while looking at me. I gulp but keep my phone and the towel on the small table beside the door. "Do you want to take a shower first?" I ask but she wraps her hands around my waist from the back. Her face is pressing on my back and I feel my knees getting weaker at her touch.

She fiddles with the button of my white shirt and I look down at her fingers on my torso. I spot the ring hovering on her finger, bringing a strange warmth across my chest but the words she says next take all my breath away.

"You said that I could have asked for something more tonight."

And how can I deny her? 




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No smut . One is enough for the book 🫶✨

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