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Jimin's POV

I sigh in relief and throw my head back on my chair, pulling my hair back. Finally, I retrieved the song.


This song was supposed to be a part of my album but a part of it got deleted. I had to re-record it again and compose the music accordingly.

The album is supposed to release in a month and at this crucial period, losing work is like losing a really essential thing from life.

I'm the one directly involved in this album so I was really stressed when this happened.

"Finally!" I mumble, rubbing my face and fisting my hair but a buzzing sound draws my attention. I freeze, realising that it isn't my phone.


I blink several times but reach for her phone. I look at her lock screen and sigh. She still doesn't have a lock on it but frown when I read the last message that is sent by her manager.

"Just checking up, Y/n. If the temperature gets too high then take some medicines. And don't you dare go to Jimin's house in the middle of the night. Call him over if you want but please take rest. You couldn't sleep well in Paris so sleep well tonight. I'll inform you about your next schedule when I get it. Take care."

My eyes furrow but recall Y/n trying to talk to me earlier. She just tried to help me but my frustration just pushed her away. I sigh and run my hands through my face before pulling my hair back.

I stand up and walk over to the bedroom door. I unlock it and creak it open. I scrub my feet and stand in front of the guest's room, contemplating whether to enter or not.

But slowly, reach my hand forward to touch the doorknob and twist it. I open the door and peek inside the room. But there was no sign of Y/n instead all the albums and merch that were brought in for me to autograph were kept on the bed. I blink several times but close the door, getting out and walking towards the kitchen.

The living room is dark but the small light in the kitchen is still on. I walk to the sink and notice that all the dirty dishes were washed and arranged in the shelves. Did Y/n do this?

I feel guilty, a sour feeling enveloping my heart at the way I treated her earlier but still she decided to help me. I turn back and watch the plates covered with the dish cover.

I lift it up, revealing my favourite dishes prepared for me. I don't know why but I want to cry right now. Y/n made my favourite dinner for me before leaving.

I'm such a disappointment to her.

I sigh but sit on the chair, slowly eating everything she made for me. Like always, she could never go wrong with food and this meal just cheered me up.

I will go to her right now and fall to my knees to ask for her forgiveness. I won't mind even if she avoids me for long because she's an angel and I shouted at her.

I take the dishes and keep them in the sink. I turn back and slowly walk towards the living room but my eyes fall on the clothes hung outside, in the balcony.

What? She even did my laundry?

A smile forms on my face and I exhale deeply, slumping my shoulders. I walk over to my sofa and my eyes widen when I notice the figure on it.

I collapse to the ground, my knees touching the floor but I watch Y/n sleeping there on the sofa using her own jacket as a blanket to cover herself.

I sob silently, biting on my lips to not make any noise but the tears roll down my face. Her hand is out of the jacket, falling loosely from the sofa and touching the ground.

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