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Jimin's POV

As the sunlight hit my face, I squeeze my eyes tightly not wanting to wake up.

"Hey, wake up!"

The voice calls out to me but I don't move an inch as I hear footsteps across the room.

"Wake up!" The voice yells again and I bury the side of my face on my joined hands over the pillow. "Just five more minutes."

I feel more sunlight hitting my face and rustling off the curtains as the person scoffs. "You're late, you're late!" The voice complains again and again. "You're late!" The voice shouts and something falls on my face.

My underwear!

"Hey! You fucking little—" I scream, getting up and flaring at the muscle man in my room who disturbed me last night, taking me away from Y/n's apartment and now is also meddling with my sleep.

"Look at the time, Hyung!" JungKook points at the wall clock in my bedroom.

Yes, my manager called Jungkook, telling him that I was at Y/n's apartment so he came there later when Y/n was blabbering about her ridiculous assumption, taking me back even though that's what I wanted.

That's what I wanted, right?


I enter the dining room and notice Jungkook having cornflakes and milk. "Make one for me too."

"Just do it yourself, Hyung. I've got a lot in my mind." He fires back glumly as I hiss under my breath, sitting beside him, analysing him and grabbing the box of cornflakes, tossing some into the empty bowl in front.

"You chose a weird concept for the morning. Are you playing an angsty high school student or something, Kook?" I ask him while pouring the milk into the bowl.

He turns to me with disturbance written on his face and speaks, "Hyung, I want to ask— No, it's nothing." He stops and turns back to resume his focus on the cornflakes.

I grip the spoon and use it to feed myself as I stare at Jungkook's wary face. "Hmm? You're playing mystery now?"

He quickly turns to me and raises his brow. "Okay then, what's going on with Y/n? Are you two dating for real?"

I look at him in annoyance. "You got a death wish, Jungkook? Bored of living?" I ask him and he scoffs.

"Why? You were so worried about her that time in the gym! Then everyone saw how you pecked her in the company cafeteria. I got a hold of the news." He says and adds, "Are you seriously in love with her?"


Y/n's POV

"Aunt, I think that guy is utterly in love with me." I say with a smirk while shaping the rice ball as a heart. I'm cooking something with the elderly owner of the restaurant nearby whom I visit sometimes when I'm in need of a friend to pour my heart out.

"What the hell? Whose ass do I need to whop now?" She asks, flipping the fried egg on the pan on the stove.

"Jimin. The cute and shy guy with a strong and lovely appearance." I say, looking at the heart shaped rice and placing it on the plate.

"Jimin? Park Jimin? Oh gosh. Then what about Tae guy whom you used to scream about?" She asks. "Aunt, I love him but as an idol. I mean, I don't hate him as a human but you know it's like I respect him a lot. I never liked him like I wanted to date him."

"So you're going to like the Jimin guy back? The girl who dropped loving will change?" She asks and I smile while shaping another rice shaped heart.

"No, it's not so much of a change but it is carrying out my duty as a human being." I tell her and she comes to me with a plate of fried egg. "Duty? What duty?"

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