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Jimin's POV

I look at Hyunjin's back who exits the meeting room but feel a warm back against mine. My heart rate surely accelerates but I don't let it affect my expressions.

"That guy doesn't understand business," she says, acting very well like her character. "Why do you think he's just a pro gamer?" I ask, repeating my lines in my mind but feel her warm back, getting away from mine. Leaving the space cold.

"Don't badmouth him, Mr. CEO," she says coldly, completely in her character and I roll my eyes before extending my hand to her for a handshake. "So we are proceeding with this deal?" I ask and she looks down at my hand.

Her eyes roll up to me, while I'm trying my best to control my emotions and not show it in my eyes and to be in my character. She smirks with a scoff and extends her hand to clasp with mine. I try not to swallow the lump in my throat as a wave of electricity just surged through my entire system, shaking my whole existence in front of her.


"Deal," I reply, staring into her eyes with a small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips and tightening my grip on her hand when the camera pans closer and the director yells, "Cut! Perfect! Excellent shot! I'm so impressed."

Y/n takes her hand back and turns to the director, giving him a polite smile but I gulp hard, curling my fingers and bringing it back slowly. I turn to look at Hyunjin entering the room, hopping behind Y/n and smiling as the director compliments him. I walk towards them.

"You can monitor now," the cameraman says, and we nod, walking towards the screen and reviewing the scene that we just filmed. I notice my acting and don't see any faults while Y/n and Hyunjin are also satisfied with the shot. "I think it's fine," Hyunjin says, looking at me for approval and I nod at him but look at Y/n who nods silently too.

"Me too. I think it's alright," she says and looks at me with a small smile. I can't help but flash her a big smile before nodding my head vigorously. "It's fine. Yeah. Completely fine."

She giggles and that melody is enough to bring butterflies to my stomach. I smile and look at the director who's talking about the next scene. And I nod at him walking back to the waiting room to get ready for the next scene with Suzy. I look at my hand with a smile and bring it close to my nose, smelling it. Creep Jimin!

Her hands fit so well with mine.

I wish I could hold it longer.


"Jimin?" I break off my thoughts when Hobi nudges me. I look at my reflection in the mirror, ready for the next shot and stand up, walking back to the set of the next scene. Ryu joins me on my way while I walk past the staff.

"Jimin-ssi and Y/n-ssi look better together. Did you see their chemistry earlier?"

"I was getting flustered myself. Please, the way they look into each other's eyes is so intense."

"Y/n really looks so good with him. Only if she was the main lead then I swear this drama would be a total hit because of their chemistry!"

"She has the charisma to look good with anyone. But she looks the best with Jimin-ssi!"

"Please, I want more of them together—"

I smile listening to the muffled gossip of the staff members and take long steps towards the set. "Ryu, order a coffee truck for the staff and crew from my side." I announce and hear him gasp beside me.

"What? Suddenly—"

"Just do it," I tell him and he sighs before nodding his head. "Jimin-ssi, are you ready for the next scene?" The director asks and I watch Y/n and Hyunjin talking to each other. I smile and turn back to Suzy and then at the director.

"Yes. I'm ready. Let's do this in one take. I'm confident."

"Thank you so much for your hard work," I say, bowing to everyone and watch the director walk away to Y/n and Hyunjin who have to shoot their scenes now. My scenes are over for today and I watch Y/n cutely sipping on the chocolate milk boba tea with a pink straw.

Her eyes meet mine and she bows to me, pulling her mouth back from the straw and waving her drink at me, telling me that she's thankful for the drink from me. I bow back and Suzy walks to them. She has plenty of scenes with Y/n and I feel jealous of her but shake my head and decide to walk back to the waiting room to take my outfit off.

The staff thanks me on the way for the coffee they received from the coffee truck and I cheer for their hard work. But secretly also fell giddy about the comments they made about me and Y/n. I enter the waiting room and slouch myself on the chair, the makeup artist now using a wet wipe to clean my makeup.

I take my phone from the table and look at the messages I received today only to come across Jungkook's message asking me if I'm free for drinks tonight. He's a good junior and is pretty successful too. And I adore him like a little brother. We are close friends rather than just labelmates.

I smile and reply back if he's still free, getting an instant reply that he's still at his house. I ask him if I should just go and join him at his house and he agrees, asking me to pay for the drinks which I would have done anyways since I'm older.

I smile at the message and then look at my hand again. "It is done. You can take off your dress and your normal clothes are placed there," the lady politely gestures me and I bow at her age stand up from my seat. Hobi had already clocked out since I didn't have anymore scenes today. While Ryu was waiting to take me back home but I guess I'll have to make him change the route. So I ask him to, once he enters the waiting room,

"Ryu, we are stopping at the liquor shop and then I'm staying over at Jungkook's tonight."


Will update this book more often~

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Will update this book more often~

Like Crazy || Park Jimin ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora