Chapter 2 - Hunter's pov

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(A/N : This chapter contains slight blood/violence)

A staff swings past my face, but I quickly duck out of the way. My mentor, a veteran scout called Theo set the staff down.

"That was good, but not as swift as usual. If you want to be the best Golden Guard to ever live then you need to be fast, because your enemies won't show mercy." he paused and sighed "Is something on your mind?"

I hesitate, fidgeting with my hands for a moment, then look up at Theo "I dunno, I guess I just feel kind of bad taking over for the Golden Guard we have right now, I mean she worked just as hard as I did, if not harder to get to where she is considering her past."

Theo's gaze hardened and he slammed my chest, pinning me against the wall. The air was knocked from my lungs and I feel what I think to be a loose nail in the wall snag the edge of one of my ears.

"You're the emperor's nephew, you're the one destined to be a great leader, not some petty girl." Theo said in a low, furious voice

I couldn't breathe, I struggled but Theo had been in the coven so long, he was too strong. I heard the door slam open.

"Hey!" a voice calls out

Theo lets me drop to the ground, and turns around to face the person who entered.

"I was just going to meet with the new scouts in training and I heard whatever you were doing here!" it was the Golden Guard "Might I remind you that you're not meant to hurt trainees? You're dismissed, and don't think the emperor won't hear about this"

Theo sauntered out, passing the Guard. Once he was gone the Golden Guard ran up to me and pulled her mask off.

"Are you okay?" she asked "Your ear's bleeding."

Embarrassment flooded through me. I'd had to be rescued by her, just because I couldn't defend myself. Some Golden Guard I'd make.

"I'll live" I sit up and cough a little

"What about your breathing?" she asked

"I'm fine, really" I try, acting convincing

She knelt down to my level, and blotted the bleeding cut on my ear with her cape. "I don't really know any healing magic, so this is really the best I can do. My guess is that the nick will scar, but hey it looks cool!" she grinned a bit "My names Y/N."

"Hunter." I say "My name is Hunter. We trained together, right?"

"Yep, remember the one who fell off their staff during the first flying lesson?" she asked

I nod, chuckling softly at the memory.

"That was your's truly" she points at herself

I grin, and me face feels hot, what is this? Am I ill or something?

She stands up again and reaches out a hand to help me up. I take her hand and she helps me to my feet.

"I'll talk to Belos and see if he might be able to get you a new mentor" she said, smiling lightly. "But I think you deserve the day off, so you can just chill. You okay to walk?"

I nod quickly

"Alright see you around then, the Emperor will have my head if I'm late" she grinned, put her mask back on and left, leaving me standing there.

I waited a few moments, frozen in place, almost in shock. I shook my head to clear my mind and left the room. My ear stung a bit, but I'd been through worse, I walked down the hallway, and into the scout room. The room extended far back with rows and rows of bunk beds, mine was at the very end, and had a window next to it, letting me stare at the stars at night. I walked down the long rug the ran between the rows of my beds until I reached my own and climbed up the short wooden ladder to the top bunk. I stared out the window, the pale light shined outside, and a few birds flew past. I wondered who my new mentor would be. I wondered if I would see Y/N again. But mostly, I felt terrible about having to replace her. She seemed so kind, and strong, and sweet, and...I don't want to replace her. 

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