Guardians of Immortality

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With the United Kingdom of Volkruts established and a vision for a brighter future set in motion, Ejhay gathered his three guardians – Thulgrazes, Isaac, and Greg – to make an important decision. The responsibility of guiding their respective clans now rested heavily on their shoulders. Ejhay wanted to ensure that the leadership would remain unwavering and just, transcending generations. It was a time to grant them a special gift, but one that came with its own burden: immortality.

In a sacred chamber, illuminated by the gentle glow of mystical runes, Ejhay commenced a spell of profound importance. As he chanted the ancient incantations, the energy within the room began to intensify. The three guardians could feel the presence of immense power. Thulgrazes, representing the Demon Clan, stood with an air of solemnity, while Isaac, from the Elven Clan, and Greg, the Dwarf Emperor, awaited the transformation that was about to occur.

Ejhay's voice grew stronger as the spell reached its climax, and a burst of radiant energy enveloped the three guardians. The very essence of their beings was altered as they were granted the gift of immortality, a timeless existence. It was a double-edged sword; they would guide their clans for centuries, perhaps millennia, but also bear the burden of witnessing the passage of time and generations.

The three guardians accepted this momentous gift and responsibility, their resolve unwavering. Ejhay's trust in them was unwavering, for they were individuals of wisdom and integrity, capable of leading their clans down the right path.

As the ritual concluded, Ejhay conveyed the gravity of the situation. "Guardians, with this gift of immortality, your role as leaders takes on a new dimension. You are tasked with guiding your clans for eternity. It is a heavy responsibility, but I have faith that you are more than capable. Always remember, our vision for a united Volkruts will persist through the ages."

Thulgrazes, Isaac, and Greg nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of the immortality granted to them. Ejhay, the Emperor of the United Kingdom of Volkruts, had established a system of leadership that would ensure the stability and continuity of the kingdom for generations to come.

With this, the governance of Volkruts was settled, and its leaders, both mortal and immortal, were prepared to lead their people into a bright and harmonious future. Meanwhile, Elric and Ashel, appointed as generals, would continue to serve the kingdom with valor, defending and protecting its borders.

The people of the United Kingdom of Volkruts looked ahead with hope, knowing that under the guidance of their immortal guardians, they would continue to flourish and prosper, forging a legacy of unity and prosperity for centuries to come.

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