A March of Fury

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As Ejhay remained unconscious in his chamber, the forces of Thulgrazes, Ashel, Elric, and their united knights mobilized with a relentless determination. Approximately two hundred thousand knights, a powerful alliance of demon and divine warriors, set forth to march on the capital of the Imperial Kingdom.

Thulgrazes, the emperor of the Demon Kingdom, invoked his formidable skills, creating illusory clones of his demon knights to bolster their numbers. It was a strategic ruse, ensuring the Imperial Kingdom perceived their movements as being contained, unaware of the formidable army steadily making its way to the heart of their power.

Elric, an experienced general leading the divine knights, marshaled his troops with precision and discipline. His squadrons moved like a well-oiled machine, fully aware of the impending confrontation and the stakes they were playing for.

Ashel, an indispensable pillar of Volkruts, led the charge of their knights with his charismatic presence and unwavering determination. The knights of Volkruts, who now also bore the title of "Apostles," followed their trusted leader, their unwavering loyalty to Ejhay extending to the pivotal battle they were about to face.

The march was not just one of military purpose, but one infused with the fury and resolve of allies joined by a common cause. They could not, and would not, let Ejhay's sacrifice be in vain. The formidable assemblage of knights bore the spirit of their absent leader, determined to crush the oppressive grip of the Imperial Kingdom.

As they advanced toward the capital, their thoughts were not on the size of their force but on the burning desire for justice. Their unity and newfound strength in the face of adversity served as a testament to the lengths they would go to for the sake of their fallen comrade and for the world they had sworn to protect.

And in that swelling march of fury and determination, they carried the hopes of all those who yearned for freedom and justice, for a future where oppressive reigns could be dismantled, and where the world would know peace.

Soul of the Chosen: Rebirth in the Realm of Steel and SorceryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant