Dark Omens and Divine Allies - Preparing for an Imminent Threat

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As the skies darkened with a foreboding presence, Thulgrazes and Ejhay stood in the heart of Volkruts. They felt the powerful surge of dark magic in the air, a sign that something sinister was on the horizon. Thulgrazes turned to Ejhay, concern etched across his face.

Thulgrazes: "Ejhay, you sense it too, don't you? This is no ordinary dark magic; it feels like the power of a demon lord. I believe the Imperial Kingdom has made a dire contract."

Ejhay nodded, his brows furrowing with worry.

Ejhay: "I felt it, Thulgrazes. We need to prepare for a possible sudden attack. The fact that they would resort to such dark magic is alarming."

Thulgrazes: "Indeed. We should ready our forces and make sure they're well-trained and prepared for the worst."

Ejhay wasted no time. He began training the soldiers of Volkruts and the Demon Kingdom. He shared his knowledge of combat, emphasizing precise movements and strategies to maximize their effectiveness. Using his incredible ability to transmit knowledge, he accelerated their training significantly. The military of Volkruts and the Demon Kingdom, under Ejhay's guidance, quickly honed their skills.

Even Emperor Thulgrazes benefited from Ejhay's knowledge, learning new tactics and strategies.

Thulgrazes: "You possess extraordinary abilities, Ejhay. I see now why you earned the title of a demi-god."

Ejhay chuckled at Thulgrazes' observation.

Ejhay: "It was a recent development, actually. I didn't have the chance to tell you."

But before they could further discuss their preparations, a divine presence appeared. It was the god of the world, a being that had visited Ejhay before.

God: "Ejhay, there's a pressing issue. A powerful demon lord has arrived. To aid you in this dark hour, I will send you 20,000 of my heavenly knights. They will arrive tomorrow."

Thulgrazes was taken aback, realizing the gravity of the situation. He looked at Ejhay with newfound respect.

Thulgrazes: "You have the favor of a god, my friend. I didn't know you were this well-connected."

Ejhay smiled, appreciating the sentiment.

Ejhay: "It's been a long time since we last spoke. But we have a problem to solve, and I'll make sure to train the heavenly knights well. We need to be ready for whatever this demon lord may bring."

With that, the god disappeared, leaving Ejhay and Thulgrazes to prepare for the impending threat.

Thulgrazes: "I never thought I'd see the day when I'd stand alongside a demi-god and receive the aid of heavenly knights. We're in this together, Ejhay."

Ejhay: "Indeed, Thulgrazes. Together, we'll defend our lands and people."

As they continued to train their forces and strategize, they knew that the battle against the demon lord and the Imperial Kingdom would be one of the greatest challenges they had ever faced.

Soul of the Chosen: Rebirth in the Realm of Steel and SorceryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon