Discovery and Encounter

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As The Chosen ventured deeper into the lush and enigmatic forest, he came across a sight that tugged at his heartstrings. A man lay on the ground, grievously wounded, on the very brink of death. Without hesitation, The Chosen's mind raced as he drew upon his newfound powers, shaping a spell of healing with the flicker of his imagination. In an instant, the ancient incantation sprang forth, its tendrils of magic weaving around the injured man.

Yet, as The Chosen focused on mending the man's injuries, danger loomed. A snarl erupted from behind him, and he instinctively activated the blessing of prediction, his senses sharpening. With an almost preternatural awareness, he dodged aside just as a monstrous wolf-like creature lunged at him, its razor-sharp fangs narrowly missing their mark.

In response, The Chosen swiftly retaliated. With a flick of his hand, he conjured the water spike spell. The crystalline lance materialized, its surface gleaming with arcane energy. He targeted the monster's chest and leg, striking with deadly precision. The beast let out a final, mournful howl before collapsing, vanquished.

Having dispatched the creature, The Chosen turned his attention back to the injured man, resuming the spell of healing with determination. Slowly but surely, the man's wounds closed, and color returned to his cheeks.

When the healing was complete, the man stared at The Chosen with a mixture of awe and reverence. "That was an ancient magic of healing," he gasped. "I've only heard of such powers held by gods, goddesses, and the demon lords. Are you a deity or a demon lord?"

The Chosen offered a humble smile, shaking his head. "I'm just a nobody," he replied, realizing that he had yet to share a name. "My name is Ejhay."

The man, now recovering his strength, extended a grateful hand. "I am Elric," he introduced himself. "You may consider yourself a nobody, Ejhay, but in my eyes, you are nothing short of a miracle." The bond between Ejhay and Elric was forged in the crucible of that moment, and together they would traverse this world of magic and mystery, each bearing secrets from their past and forging a new destiny.

Soul of the Chosen: Rebirth in the Realm of Steel and SorceryWhere stories live. Discover now