Chapter 41: Christmas Wish

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Erin's POV

We just arrived at the ski resort that Tori booked us on.

We met her friend inside. He is a lot nicer than her other friends that I met previously.

He has curly hair and also tall. He's friendly and approachable. He and Tori talks a lot and I think they have a lot of shared interest.

I just let them catch up while I listen quietly.

Tori brought her attention back to me again after some time. I guess she thinks I'm feeling left out.

I caress her shoulder affectionately.

"So how did you two become friends?" I ask curiously.

He chuckles lightheartedly.

"We first met in LA.. We just instantly click." He answer while nodding.

"That's also where you met that celebrity friend of yours right?" I inquire.

"Yup, Liv.. Tyler is one of her best friends. They used to be roommates." Tori mention casually.

"Oh okay.."

"We had so much fun out there. Don't you just miss the place?"

Tori smile and took my hand.

"It's a really nice place to visit. Erin and I went there recently during my birthday."

"Wow.. that's great!"

His phone starts ringing and he immediately take the call.

"Oh you're here? Great! I'll meet you at the entrance. You should meet my friends." He says happily.

"Who's that?" Tori ask.

"My date.. You didn't actually think I'll go alone or did you?"

"And where did you meet this guy?" She ask while chuckling.

"My gym instructor.. he's a total hottie. He's waiting for me so I'll see you guys later?"

We both nod.

Tori and I decide to stay in our room for a bit.

I unpack my stuff and place it inside the cabinet.

When I was done, Tori snuck up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist affectionately.

"You smell really nice.." she says while sniffing on my neck playfully.

I tilt my head to get a clear view of her.

I gave her a quick peck and smile back at her.

"I have something for you. A Christmas present.." she says sweetly.

"I thought this is your present.." I say looking around the room.

"Well yes, but more.." she says while she led me to our bed.

I was about to remove my shirt when she brought out a nicely wrapped gift on her hand.

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