Chapter 34: Personal

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A few days later,

Tori's POV

My mother decide to visit me in my office today.

"Thanks for visiting me mom, how have you been? How's dad?"

"He is doing fine. Just busy, you know how it is. How about you? How are you and..?"

"Erin.." I finish for her.

I can't believe she forgot her name.

"Right, is she treating you nicely?"

"Yes.. don't worry about us. Erin and I are getting along. I've grown to like her a lot actually." I say while smiling.

She look more concern than relief when I say that.

"Tori dear.." she caress my one arm gently.

I know she never approve of this union.

"Mom I know you are just worried about me. But I am totally fine. My wife and I are happy together." I say reassuringly.

She close her eyes and I could feel her disappointment in my answer. Did she wish that I stay unhappy in my marriage?

"Mom?.." I took another step towards her.

"I'm sorry.. I just.." she took a deep breath. "I didn't know you've start to like her or that you are interested in girls."

"Is it really a big deal? I am bisexual and yes I like Erin. I want my marriage with her to work out." I answer sincerely.

"You were always so mature and understanding since you were very little. Always so independent and flexible too.. Are you sure you are not just confuse right now? I mean I get if that would be the case.."

"What are you trying to say mom? That I might just be forcing myself to feel things so I can make my situation better? That I am just doing this to make my life convenient?"

"Oh Tori.. I just want the best for you. My advise is to not get too invested in this. I'm finding a way to get you out. I'm just making sure that you are aware that you still have other options. I won't let you be trap in this forever."

"I am not trap mom.. I'm choosing to stay because I want to. I want to be with Erin.. I hope you can accept that. What I feel for her is real. Not because you think I didn't have a choice or that I feel obligated to do it for whatever reason you may think." I reply straightforwardly.

"Tori I'm sorry.. I just can't picture your life in this for long term.. You might still want to change your mind. You're still young you know."

I shake my head in disapproval.

"What's wrong mom? Have you always been homophobic? From what I recall you support the community so why are you acting so against it now.."

She look away from me in discomfort.

"Oh.. I guess it's okay to give support as long as your own daughter isn't on it."

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