Chapter 27: Not The Easiest

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Erin's POV

I'm in my room right now.

Tori said she needed time to herself.

She ask me earlier if I still have feelings for Vanessa.

Perhaps it's true that I do, but all that feelings had become hate and resentment.

Fine, maybe I still do wonder if she is okay whenever I think about her. I wanted to know how her life had become now that I am no longer part of it.

I cannot change our history together. She took care of me when I was a kid. I will forever be indebted to her for being a good sister to me all those years ago.

Whether her kindness was fake or genuine..

I guess you can say a part of me is still grateful for it.

This is probably a love-hate feeling.. I don't know.

Being in that cabin and seeing my old videos I have with her was very hard for me.

It's like I'm reliving it all over again.

But right now, What concerns me the most is making Tori very upset of me.

I'm still hoping that she will talk to me tonight.

If she would just hear me out..

I hate that I make her upset.

I have never seen her this upset before.

Maybe I'm so used to seeing her taking the higher road and being patient and understanding of me all the time.

After some time, I still couldn't sleep.

I suddenly heard her knocking on my door.

I stood immediately and rush to see her.

"Would you let me in?" She ask quietly.

I gave her a warm hug.

"Tori I am sorry for acting so cold earlier." I started.

She sigh deeply.

"It's okay.. I understand, maybe you're not over her. I think we rush too early in this relationship and maybe we should just remain friends?"

I was completely stun and unable to move.

"Erin?" She call my name softly.

"That's not what I want Tori." I say genuinely.

"Erin, I can't be with you half-heartedly." She says sadly.

I held her hand and look back into her.

"Can I show you something?"

I am not ready to let her go.

She sat on my bed as I walk over to my drawer.

I took out my sketchbook and gave it to her.

"Why are you giving this to me? Last time I saw this you got so rattled that you took it from me and hid it. Obviously, you didn't want me to see it."

"Just open it.." I insist.

"Are you sure I can open this?" She ask.

I nodded.

She slowly open it and I start growing anxious by the second.

"It's me.." she blurted out in utter shock.

"I've been making sketches of you.." I confess.

"There are dates.." she say while scanning the pages.

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