Chapter 22: Pillow Princess

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Tori's POV

One month had passed since the annual party for my company.

Erin rarely visits my office now.

She couldn't believe that I was still working with most of my previous sexual partners.

I've never really thought much about it before but now that Erin has taken an interest in that part of my life.. it has bothered me too.

I mean obviously I am no longer fooling around with any of them but Erin has the right to feel upset and awkward about it.

I am only now realizing the situation I put myself in.

But there's nothing I could do about it now.

When she ask me about it, I didn't want to lie to her. She's been very honest with me and I think honesty and communication is very important in any relationship.

She's been understanding and respectful of it but she also told me that she cannot help but feel upset thinking about all those people who have been intimate with me still being around me all the time.

I will probably feel the same way if I was in her situation.


Alex comes in my office to chat.

"Hey, why do I feel like Erin doesn't like me?" He ask.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I don't know.. she seems cold and unapproachable to me but I've seen her be nice to others." He pointed out.

"Probably because I told her about our little past. You know when we used to sleep together to relieve stress." I say unbothered.

He open his mouth so big that he looks a little dumb right now.

"And why will you tell your wife that?! You really want her to hate me??" He look so offended by what I say.

"Pft! She already doesn't like you even before I told her about us. You're way too flirty and full of yourself." I mention.

"You're hurting my feelings Tori.." he says dramatically.

"Seriously, please tone it down. I don't want to upset my Erin even more than she is already. I'm regretting my life choices to tell you the truth. I have too many meaningless encounters to even remember all their names.. I wish I just waited for the right person. Erin is very important to me you know."

"Yes, I know because you love her." He says casually.

I never really wanted to acknowledge that or admit that to myself since Erin told me we shouldn't fall in love.

"So Alex, for our friendship.. please do me a favor and stop being so flirty around me." I say.

"Okay.. okay. I guess Erin will never like me now. Why do you have to sabotage yourself like that. There are things better not knowing." He reasoned.

I shoo him away.

"Just get back to your office. I'm still working." I say irritably.

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