• Vengeance •

Start from the beginning

"You're not going to kill me today," I told him in a low vengeful voice. I hated breathing the same air as him and wanted to finish him off as quickly as I could but it would be too easy for him.

"Do you know what? I wish that I was never your daughter." I told him and he didn't seem fazed by it. It seemed as if he was getting bored by me and not at all scared that I was pointing a gun at him.

"And I wished it was me you killed instead of Mom but do you know what? You're the one who'll die at my hands right now." Father started laughing hysterically as soon as he heard my last words and I just rolled my eyes cause I was used to him behaving that way to me.

It was either him laughing or slapping me.

"You little girl would kill me? Me a man? Hah, think before you utter such stupid words. A woman like you has no worth and you think just because you are pointing a gun at me you can kill me? It is me who is allowing you to point it at me. If I will, I could snatch it away and make a hole in your head!"

He raised his hand to take the gun from me but I didn't even budge. He tried again and failed. The arrogant smile on his face faded away when he realized he couldn't take the gun away from me.

"What were you saying?" I started walking around him the gun aimed at his head I looked around him to find if he had any weapon with him and he did have a knife which I snatched away and threw away in the ground.

"I'm just a pathetic woman who can't do anything to a man like you?" I put cuts on his body as I went around him and I heard him wince in pain but he didn't dare move as the gun still aimed at his head.

"You think no woman can kill, let alone hurt you?" I said as I cut through the skin on his lower abdomen, making him scream but I wouldn't let him fall as I pointed the gun at his forehead, the cold metal touching his forehead.

He fell on his knees not bearing the pain as I held him by his hair. He looked pathetic in front of me. I felt a cold smile on my face when I saw him in his poor state which he has never been in before.

"Well guess what my dear father." I lowered down, crouching moving my face before his so he could see me.

"You're about to die at the hands of a woman who's pregnant. Double win." My father's eyes widened when he realized the meaning of my words and he looked at me and then towards my stomach which wasn't showing now cause it had only been weeks.

"Congratulations father, you're going to be a grandfather," I laughed as I added, "Oops, but you won't even be alive to be called one."

I laughed as he looked at me with widened eyes. "I knew you were a whore. You slept around and got knocked off by God knows who. He would be a lowly man to get a woman like you pregnant-"

Before he could finish his sentence I kicked him where I injured him with my dagger making him wince loudly.

"Don't you dare utter a word against my Sinn." I felt rage inside of me when I heard him insult Sinn. My father looked terrified looking at me and I felt a smirk form on my face.

"Sinn? The Sinn Phoenix of The Three Devils?" My father asked his voice shaking by the pain he was feeling.

"That is correct!" I smiled at him and his eyes widened even more by this new information.

"How can a great man like him get someone like you pregnant?" My father said to himself but he was loud enough for me to hear which made me roll my eyes.

"Now dear father it's time for you to go to hell. Rot in there for me." I stabbed my dagger at his neck and blood oozed out spilling on my face making me blink my eyes but I opened them up looking at my father dying painfully.

He tried grabbing me for support so that I might help him but I pulled away from him letting him fall to the ground and shake hysterically. He was drained of blood and in a few minutes he took his last breath and I stood there with my dagger covered in his blood seeing him take his final breath.

When I was sure he had nothing in him, I turned away and didn't spare him another look. And just as I was about to walk further I saw Sinn standing at the corner looking at me.

Looking at him it seemed as if he had been here for a while which meant one thing. He heard the talk with my father, the one where I mentioned being pregnant.

I scanned his face searching for an answer but I couldn't find none. His face had blood drops all over it and I walked towards him stopping just a few steps before him.

Sinn scanned my face and I knew he saw the blood of my father, then his eyes traveled down to the bloodied dagger I was holding. My heart beat accelerated when his eyes fell to my stomach where they lingered for the most.

This move was enough to confirm the fact that he indeed heard our conversation and now suddenly I was nervous to know what his reaction would be but he didn't show any. He was just standing there still, looking at my stomach.

But then his eyes reached mine and I saw emotions in them. And before even the both of us could say something to the other a loud gunshot was heard from the other side. His eyes left mine and both of us looked at the source of the sound.

We saw Papa Don standing amidst the room where Sinn had been fighting the goons. But what shocked us was not him.

Yuri was standing beside him with a gun in his hand pointed towards us with Leo's body laying on the ground, unconscious.

An: I'm really very sorry for this late update! I was caught up with so much in my life that was unable to take time to write (I also fell into a writer's slump) but don't worry I've said before, I never abandon my stories and I'll update the next chapter very soon!

Thank you for reading and supporting His Rebel I appreciate everyone <3

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