Not a chapter (Kinda)

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Hello guys!! This is the author.

Sadly, this isn't a normal chapter, but rather an announcement/question (and something else)

As I said in the last chapter's notes, I have some ongoing exams, so I won't be able to consistently upload for a while, but I'm not dropping this story, so stay tuned.

Now, onto the main topic. In the past week, I had another idea for a Tensura Fic, and I played around a little with it.

Just a while ago, I finished writing the first chapter. I know I got carried away.

What I wanted to ask you all is that do you want me to publish it?? Because if it is well received here, as well as on the other site I write on, I'll continue writing it too.

That one is not going to be the main project, this story will remain my priority, and that one will be much shorter too probably, but I think that it has a lot of potential.

Here is the first chapter of the story:

Tensura: Dominion



Why does this keep happening to me?

Why only me?

I just want to live happily, I just want to do what I like.

Why am I not allowed to?

"Get outta my way, you piece of shit" a deep voice shouted.



"SHUT UP!! If I ever see you here again, you won't leave with your bones intact!!" the voice threatened.

"B-but w-what did I do?"


"I'm not gonna repeat myself, get lost brat."

And so I just laid there.... clothes torn, no money, and no place to return to.

What did I do to deserve this?

Is it because of that woman?

That vermin who birthed me...

'What would you have done, Dad?'

'Why did you leave me??'


'It hurts so much...'

Why do I have to keep hurting like this?

I don't deserve this....

I can't take it anymore!!

Damn it all!!

I have to.... I have to get back up.

I'm done with taking all the bullshit...


The boy slowly got up, his body aching all over, his muscles barely functioning.

He mustered all his strength, and made his way to the bar.

The bar which he was just thrown out from.

For he sought something, or rather someone.

He wanted to prove to himself. He wanted to prove that he had control over his own life.

That his life wasn't meaningless. That he had some impact on the world, no matter how insignificant.

He had been neglected, abused and abandoned his whole life. And now he wanted something for himself.

Nothing material, but instead he wanted to prove his worth to himself.

'I want to have a part in my own life at least...'

He reached the bar in just a few minutes of walking.

Due to working there for a while, he knew the layout pretty well.

Choosing to enter from the back entrance, he slipped in without being noticed.

Looking around for anything or anyone that could potentially be dangerous, he roamed around the cellar he had just entered.

It was a big room, filled with a variety of boxes, barrels, tables and other items.

It reeked of alcohol and other smells.

Slowly going around the scattered stuff, they boy made an unexpected but welcome discovery.

'A Knife!!'

Immediately, to hide the knife from anyone who saw him, he put it under his shirt.

Finally, deciding to leave the cellar, the boy moved toward the main hall.

The cellar was connected to the main hall by a long and narrow hallway, which was lined on both sides with cheap paintings.

The ceiling lights along the hallway were mostly broken, causing an eerie darkness.

The boy stumbled his way down the hall, trying his best to regulate his breathing.

"Ahh today's a good day! The college right beside just declared a holiday, so we're being stormed with students..."

"That's amazing, I was wondering why there were so many youngsters coming in today..."

The boy panicked as soon as he heard those voices.

The first voice was very familiar to him... It was the source of his current torment.

The boy quickly backed up and exited the hallway into the cellar.

He ducked and hid behind one of the large tables and ceased all noise.

As he listened, he could hear voices getting closer and closer.

"Didja see that blonde chick out there? That guy with her was too pathetic to be with her."

"She was a college girl you weirdo....but you're right."

"You're a sicko too man... Anyway, we should hurry, the boss is grumpy tonight. He'll get pissed if we don't bring the goods fast."

"Yeah you're right. I heard that he caught his wife cheating on him, that's why he's been pissed the whole day."

"Damn!! You bet he would be enraged."

With each word, they got closer and closer to where the boy was hiding.

'Calm down.... I can't get caught.... I have to get out of here slowly....' thought the boy.

'Wait, why am I being scared again. I decided to do this.... I can't back down now!!'


The two men entered the cellar and started pushing around some barrels and boxes.

'I have to move from this spot, I'm too exposed' the boy concluded, and then started slowly crawling toward a giant cabinet, which would provide better cover.


"What was that?"

"Huh? What're you talking about? Get your ass to work here and stop wasting time!!"

"Shut up for a second man"

The boy had made a huge mistake.


The man was walking toward his exact position.

'What do I do now??'

As the man moved closer and closer, a desperate plan started to form in the boy's mind.

Steeling his resolve, the boy grabbed a handful of sawdust laying on the ground.

"The hell you doing? You finally gone mad?" the other man shouted from across the room.

Within a few seconds, the man had already reached the boy's position.


The man started shoving stuff around, trying to get a good look of all the gaps.

Suddenly, a small figure jumped out from behind a table, and the man's eyes widened.


As soon as the boy got a proper glimpse of the man, he threw the sawdust directly into the man's face.

"ARRGHH!! You sunnuva--"

"I HATE YOU!! You piece of inhuman trash!!" the boy shouted.



The boy took out his knife and slammed it into the blinded man's torso.

"WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON??!!" the other man screamed.

The boy ignored the voice completely and kept stabbing the man's body over and over again.

With each hit, the boy grew bloodier.

Tears were streaming down his face, mixing with his sweat and the man's blood.

The boy's body was functioning purely on the adrenaline coursing through his body.

"Who are you, you piece of shit!!"

The other man ran towards the boy and shoved him off his friend's body.

"What the hell were you thinking?!! Come here you bitch!!" the man shouted in rage.

He then ran toward the boy, who was laying on the ground, having lost all his strength.


The man kicked the boy in the ribs, causing a nauseating sound.


He kept hitting the boy's body, over and over again.

The boy seemed to have already lost consciousness, but the man didn't stop. He was in a blind rage now, fueled by the sudden series of events.

The cellar had turned into a mess, with broken stuff, and blood splattered all over.

It would come to be known as the 'Bloody Basement' incident, infamous throughout the city, in which the cops found a man and two corpses, one of which a child, in the cellar of a rundown bar.


'I did it...'

'I killed him. I did something...'

'I achieved what I wanted...'

'But in the end, my life amounted to nothing... I never had any control over anything....'

<Confirmed. Unique skill [Dominator]..... Successfully acquired.>

'Shit...It hurts so much'

<Confirmed. [Pain Nullification]..... Successfully acquired.>

'Huh? What's I hallucinating?'

'Aghh... Why is it so hot?? But I also feel like shivering....'

<Confirmed. [Heat Resistance]..... Successfully acquired. Following up with [Cold Resistance]...... Successfully acquired.>

<Combined with the previously acquired [Heat Resistance], the skill has progressed to [Temperature Resistance].>

'Why did fate deal me such a bad hand?... Why didn't I get a better start at life? I would've become a Great Sage with all the things that the rich kids have!!' the boy thought, his inner child popping out.

<Confirmed. Extra skill [Sage]..... Successfully acquired. Evolving Extra skill [Sage] into unique skill [Great Sage]..... Successful.>

Suddenly, an old memory appeared in the boy's head..

'Oh Kiara.... Is this the flashback before death thing?? Why am I suddenly remembering her?'

'You have to promise me that you will fulfill your dreams..... Take this....'

'I made a vow.... and I broke it.....'

<Confirmed. Unique skill [Covenant]..... Successfully acquired.>

'I just want another chance... I want to live again....this time with control over my own every human deserves...'

<Confirmed. Constructing a humanoid body..... Successful.>

'What is happening? What is this voice?...'

And with that last thought, the boy left the material plane...


There ya go.... How was it??

Anyways, see you with the next chapter.

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