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'Why am I so weak??' was the thought constantly running through my head.

I could only take ONE hit..... I could protect my lord from just a single hit. He had to carry the burden on his own. I'm supposed to be the first of his Legion, yet why am I so useless?? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!

He has given me so much, a new life, a new chance, a name, the gift of speech, and I've done nothing to repay him.

I had just been reminded of the first rule of this world, the rule that is ingrained in every monster since birth, The weak bow to the Strong. I'd gotten too comfortable in my Lord's protection, and because of that, HE had suffered.

I had become prideful due to my superiority over the other monsters in the cave. And my Lord had paid the price.

MY Lord Ashborne had been hurt because of my incompetence!!

That can never happen again. I can't forget.... I have a purpose now, I was a mindless beast predating on other mindless beasts..... but now I have a new life, and I have to serve my Lord the best I can.

I can't even imagine what could have happened if the circumstances were a bit different. Thankfully, it played out in our favor.

After the Lord gave the order to us, his Legion, to scatter and run, he also seemed to have managed to escape.

The ogres and the other legionaries also escaped safely....but I knew better. That Vampire let them go.... He could have killed everyone, whenever he wanted to, but he let them escape.

But I ignorantly chose to re-engage him in battle. I guess I thought that I had to buy as much time as possible.

Hahh-- what a foolish thought. With my meager strength, I would be lucky to buy a few milliseconds at best.

And that Vampire showed me that difference in strength in quite a spectacular way. I still remember it very vividly.

He was standing so still, yet it was as if an army was marching towards me. His mere aura rendered me completely petrified.... The roles are supposed to be reversed. I am the one who should be petrifying my Lord's enemies with a mere gaze.

This is all unacceptable. I shall strive to be more useful. And for that, I need power, TRUE POWER!!


It was almost night by the time I called for the Legion. I decided to let them rest for a bit after the stressful situation. Though Rigurdo had kept updated me on everyone's statuses.

No one had been injured beyond recovery.... well, that's not saying much since all my legionaries can heal from pretty much any physical injury that's not decapitation.

There was also no need to worry about food and other supplies like that since no one here actually needed food to survive.

Coatl was sleeping soundly, curled up around my neck. He seemed quite depressed when I finally regrouped with him. But I chose not to ask him much, poor guy had taken a direct hit to protect me.

There was still some time before everyone was supposed to come here. They must still be in the Soul Realm.

I had done a lot of researching into my own powers in the hours after that fight....couldn't afford to slack off.

Out of all my powers, my main focus was the skill [Necromancer]. It's very Unique, even compared to other Unique Skills. It has a shit-ton of effects, on me and my Legionaries.

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