The Dwarven King

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Time: One day ago
Location: Castle of the Dwarven King


On a mighty throne, sat King Gazel Dwargo, third in his line from the original. A great hero, one whose might and presence made the elder dwarves recall his grandfather in his younger years, but also an intelligent one who ruled his realm with a steady, even hand.

A living hero, in a way.

It had been a thousand years since Guran Dwargo, the first Heroic King of the dwarves, established this kingdom. Since then, his descendants have carried on his will, preserving and developing his people's history, culture, and technical skills.

Before him, sat his council.

But he knew them better as his closest friends.

Vaughn, Supreme Commander of Dwargon's Armed Forces.

Dolph, Captain of the Pegasus Knights, the strongest Military Unit and King Gazel's personal guard.

Jaine, Advisor to the King and the Royal Archwizard.

"So, what did you call us here for Gazel-chan?"

"Jaine-dono!! Please don't address Gazel-sama so casually during meetings!!"

"You're too stiff Dolph. I've known and taken care of Gazel since he was a baby in his diapers..."

"Don't bring up the embarrassing past Jaine... Anyways, I have called this meeting to discuss an important topic. This is something Henrietta has found from her scouting and investigations. So it's better to let her explain."

As the Dwarf King uttered those words, an elf-like woman appeared behind him, in a bowing position.

"I shall explain, Gazel-sama. About 2 weeks ago, a previously unregistered group of 15 demi-humans entered Dwargon. Having no reason to suspect anything, no further investigation was done about their identity." Henrietta started.

"However, we soon started observing weird behavior and some inconsistencies. All of 15 individuals applied for jobs as apprentice blacksmiths, possibly for the purpose of getting our citizen identity faster. " She continued.

"In just a day or two, they seemed to have mastered the art of basic blacksmithing. Upon talking to some of the blacksmiths, the group had no prior experience. To top it off, for the next week and more, the group produced tools and weapons at a record pace, never seen before."

"Finally, a few days ago, their daily pattern suddenly changed. That day, an unidentified man, accompanied by the Champion 'Shizue Izawa' entered Dwargon. Judging by the group's reaction, they seem to be the subordinates of that man. What's really surprising is that the man seems to be on a equal or even higher standing to the Champion."

"This is indeed concerning information. We have to judge the man and assess the threat he may be to Dwargon" Dolph commented.

"True, he may not seem like an immediate threat, but with powerful subordinates and contacts like the Champion, he is certainly someone to be wary off."

"You haven't heard anything yet. Henrietta, continue." Gazel intervened.

"Yes, my King. For the next few days, the man has been going in and out of Dwargon. We haven't been able to investigate more about him since the first time we tried it, the agent's cover was blown. The man possesses extremely powerful sensory capabilites. Additionally, we have seen him using some type of Teleportation technique, one with seemingly no prior preperation."

"Ohh that's interesting!! A teleportation technique that doesn't require preparation?? That just made his threat level automatically on the Calamity Level." Jaine assessed.

"You're right. Someone who can pull off something like that has to have immense magical power and control. But Henrietta, what is his status right now??"

"He has left Dwargon, but his subordinates are still here. On King Gazel's orders, I personally followed him when he left the borders, keeping my distance so as to not be detected. He went into the Great Jura Forest, appearing to be perfectly aware of his surroundings."

"WAIT!! Could he be somehow related to the Storm Dragon Veldora's weird behavior??" Dolph exclaimed.

"That's absurd!! certainly is a possibility." Vaughn replied.

"Those were precisely my thoughts. We haven't been able to confirm the Storm Dragon's status yet, but it is certain that the Catastrophe hasn't died or disappeared as the Western Nations seem to think." Gazel stated.

"It is a possibility that this new enigma is somehow connected to the Storm Dragon, but there is not enough evidence to conclude anything." Jaine said.

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