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Jackie watched as Alicia and Ben walked out onto the pathway, turning to look at his sister, ignoring the pain in his head. "You look beautiful, Sue." He said, grinning ear to ear. "I can't wait to call Reed my brother, and talk his ear off." He said making his sister chuckles.

"Not without him talking your ear off first." Sue said, a smile on her face.

"You two already do that to each other." Johnny said, a confusion expression on his face.

"You know, if a stranger see how you and Reed act, I'm very sure that they would've think you and him are actually married." Sue said, a playful smile on her face.

Johnny let out a small laugh, gaining the attention of Jackie and Sue. "Wouldn't even be a problem seeing as Jackie have a thing for old men."

"Johnny." Jackie scoffed, a smile on his face as he shakes his head at his brother.

"What? I'm right."

Jackie rolled his eyes, looking at his sister who is holding in her laugh. "Whatever, I'll see you guys out there." He said, smiling at his sister one last time before walking out the door.

Jackie walks down the aisle and sends a small nod towards Reed, who returned it, standing besides Alicia as he waits for his sister and brother to walks down the aisle.

Jackie turned to look at Reed when he heard a beeping noise from the man, and saw him with the device that keep in check with the machine.

"Reed, shut your cell phone off." Ben said.

"Actually, this is a–" Reed's words was cut off as the wedding music plays making him put away the device and turns to aisle, smiles widened when he saw the woman he is marrying walked down the aisle.

Jackie nods to Johnny as the man stand next to Ben, nodding back to him as the twins focused on Sue and Reed.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to..." The priest was cut off by a helicopter flying over them.

"Sue and Reed, congratulations on your wedding!" The man from the helicopter exclaimed.

"Where was I? Oh, yeah. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this couple..." The priest trailed off when a beeping sounded from Reed's jacket.

Jackie watched as Reed takes out the device from his jacket, looking over Sue's shoulders to see what was wrong but his body freeze when his mind put up an images of Johnny flying after a silver man. He was brought back to reality when he heard Reed's asking if the priest can skip to the end.

Jackie makes eye contacts with Johnny who have a concerned expression on his face. Johnny nods to Jackie, asking him what's wrong. But Jackie didn't get to answer as the helicopter suddenly loses power, quickly moving towards them.

"It's too late."

• • •

"It looked like a man, but completely covered in silver, and it flew this, like..." Johnny trailed off trying to explain what he had just seen after he had flew after the Silver Surfer.

"Silver Surfer?" Jackie asked, walking in with a glass of water. He gives the water to Johnny who muttered a low 'thanks' and stands besides Reed.

"Yeah, a Silver Surfer. I know that sounds crazy." Johnny said, taking a big gulp of the water before placing the glass down on the stairs.

"Oh, no, not at all." Ben said, voice filled with amusement. "Did you follow the shiny man to Lollipop Land or the Rain ow Junction?"

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