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Reed, Susan, Johnny and Jackie are sitting in a cab, with Jackie sitting in the passenger seat while the others sat in the back, the cab suddenly stopped right on the road. Jackie opened the cab door and gets out of the car, walking around the many cars who had stopped on the bridge.

The four races towards the flames. All the other people head in the opposite direction. The police on the bridge herd the crowd away from the accident. "Back! We're evacuating the bridge."

Reed, Susan, Johnny and Jackie slow down their pace, swapping glances with each other.

"What now, Reed? What do we do?" Susan asked, turning her head to look at Reed. "Ben's out there. Let's go get him."

"Maybe you didn't hear me. Those cars are gonna blow sky high, any second." One of the cops said.

"Look, we've got a friend out there in trouble. We need to get to him before–"

"Nobody gets past this point." The second cop said, cutting Reed of the middle of his sentence.

A beat of silence past over them before Reed turns to Susan with a look, nodding to her.

"What?" Susan asked.

"We need to get past them." Reed mutters to Sue, motioning to her body.

Susan eyes lit up slightly, understanding what Reed's talking about. She concentrates, and starts to turn invisible, except her clothes didn't turn invisible like her body.

Jackie raised his eyebrows. Is she supposed to be invisible to the others? Why can he see her. He turns away when Susan starts taking off her clothes, he turns back to his sister to check up on her but found her visible again making him turns away again.

"This is wrong in so many ways." Johnny muttered, placing his head on Jackie's back.

"You've been working out." Reed said, stunned.

"Shut up." Susan hissed, taking a deep as she focused on trying to became invisible again but nothing happened. "Any more ideas, Reed? Maybe you should strip down next, see how it feels to have fifty people staring." She rants, not noticing that she have became invisible again.

"Uh, Sue?" Reed said.

"What!?" Susan asked, looking down at her hands and seeing them invisible. "Oh. Well then..." She mutters, taking off her bra and underwear.

Jackie closed his eyes, not wanting to see his sister naked.

"I'm gonna need serious therapy." Johnny mutters with Jackie agreeing with him, his eyes still closed. Johnny pulled his head away from Jackie's back and picked Susan clothes up, while Reed dragged Jackie to where they needed to be while the cops is distracted by Susan.

Jackie opened his eyes again when Reed patted his back, seeing his clothed sister making him sigh with relief. Jackie watched Reed walked away from the trio, muttering about finding Ben. He stood by his sister's right side when they moved behind a taxi which she then climbed on.

"Ben! Ben!" Susan called out, while Jackie moved past Johnny and took a few steps down along the tax's right side. He looked in front of him and his eyes widened slightly when he saw something walked out from behind a wreaked vehicle. It was Ben, but taller by a foot or two and his whole body was now filled with orange rock.

Jackie didn't get to call out to Ben as something suddenly exploded up ahead, causing a load of flames to comes up towards them. He saw Johnny jumping towards a girl surrounded by cars. The sounds of a boy shouting for his father then caught his ears, he looked ahead and saw a boy a few feet away among some cars.

He saw there were several gas cylinders near them among the wreckage, a few touched by the flame. Those cylinders are gonna explode. Jackie quickly ran up to the boy just before the cylinders exploded, grabbing the boy and turned his body around so the boy wouldn't be hit by the fire. He looked up from the boy when he notices he didn't feel any heat hitting his body and saw a green engraving dome surrounding him and the boy.

Soon the flames stopped and the engraved dome disappeared. He stood up and gave the boy back to his father. He turned his head to look at Susan who looked drained. He helped Susan off the taxi and hold onto her protectively, walking up to Reed who stood next to a firefighter he saved.

"Ben!" Reed called out as they moved past the policemen.

Jackie saw Ben looked around at all he nearby firefighters, who as he noticed were cheering before he looked up at the people on the walkway above and saw them cheering as well.

He looked away from the cheering and saw Ben looking at a familiar face in the crowd. He saw her place something on the ground and runs off into the crowd. He let Susan go, after making sure she's fine, walking towards where Ben is kneeling on the ground, trying to pick up a ring. He kneeled down and grabs the ring making Ben looked up at him as he placed the ring on Ben's rocky hand.

Reed move to stands besides Jackie, looking at Ben. "I swear to you. I will do everything in my power until there is not a breath left in me. You are going to be human Ben again."

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now