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Jackie run his hand down his body, checking how his body look with the blue, skin-tight suit. He turned around to looked at his sister, who turned around to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Susan asked, tilting her head to look up at him.

Jackie shakes his head, crossing his arms over his body. "Nothing."

"Jackie." Susan said.

"I'm having those feelings in my stomach again." Jackie said, rubbing his upper arms as he let Sue softly push him towards where Ben, Reed, and Johnny is seated.

"That has happened before and nothing happened, right?" Susan asked, slowing down her walk so she could talk to Jackie more.

Jackie nods. "I'm sure it's nothing." He mumbled, hearing Ben talk about the blue bodysuit making him smile as he entered the room. "I don't think I want to see you do a swan dance, Ben." He said playfully, sitting down besides his twin brother who wrapped his hand around his shoulders.

"Haha, very funny." Ben said, rolling his eyes, fighting down a smile from the youngest Storm, turning to look at the blue bodysuit again. "Who the hell came up with them?"

"Victor did." Susan said, entering the room, carrying a stack of flightsuits. Handing them out to Ben and Jackie as she kept talking. "The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your individual needs to-"

"Keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool." Johnny jumped in.

Jackie moves his eyes away from his sister to Reed who moves towards her, spacing out from the conversation again as the bad feeling in his stomach appears again. He let out a small breath from his mouth, closing his eyes for a solid three or five seconds. Expecting to see the darkness of his eyelids, except what he saw wasn't the darkness. It's a man, not his brother, Reed or Ben. It's a man with a curly dark hair, with black veins surrounding his eyes, looking at him with something he couldn't describe in his eyes.

He snapped his eyes open, shaking his head lightly as he focus on the conversation in front of him. What he wasn't expecting was for his sister to throw the flightsuit at Reed, who looked at her with confusion.

"You alright?" Johnny whispered into his ear making him turned his head and looked up at him.

Jackie nods, standing up to follow where his sister went.

• • •

"If you behave, maybe next time daddy'll let you drive." Johnny joked as Jackie passed by him and Ben.

"Keep talking and there won't be a next time." Ben said, already tired of Johnny's bullshit.

"How are you doing, Jackie?" Susan asked, looking at her little brother who have look a little pale ever since he had followed after her. She don't remember him being scared of anything, having been fearless of anything except his morning nightmares.

"Good." Jackie answered, walking into the nerve center with Sue and Victor behind him as he leaned against the railway.

"Leonard, how's the feed?" Victor asked over the comms, looking towards Jackie. Although his face is showing no emotions to anyone who can see him, inside, he is concerned towards the youngest Storm. Let's just say he have a soft spot for the boy. He looked away when he noticed Jackie turning his head towards him, focusing on what Leonard is saying.

"We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here." Susan said, rubbing Jackie's back, hopefully helping him with calming down.

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now