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Jackie landed right in front of the Von Doom building, everyone just ignores him. Which he is grateful for, he walked inside and saw Victor who stopped and looked at him with an expression he can't read. "Vic..." He whimpered out, trying to blink away his tears but failed miserably as they fall down his face.

He heard Vic's footsteps approaching him, his body melting melting against the older man's body, wrapping his arms around Vic's waist.

"I was about to go looking for you, you know." Victor said, voice soft as he run his hand through Jackie's brown hair that has gotten longer since the last time he had seen him.

"I needed to see you, I'm sorry." Jackie muttered, burying his face on Victor's blazer.

"There's no need to be sorry, Jackie. You can come see me anytime you want." Victor said, pulling Jackie head back and wiping his tears with his thumb. He looked into the boy's eyes with a soft expression on his face, it seems that he had finally lost control of himself as he feel himself leaning in to embrace his lips into his. He feel Jackie freeze against him for about two seconds before he feel him kissing him back, not caring about anyone who is walking around them, or looking at them with disgust.

The feelings of the boy's lips moving against him is magical, nothing could have prepared him of how soft Jackie's lips felt against him. He was struck by their softness. It was like a gentle caress, a sensation that made his heart skip a beat. In that moment, the world fell away, and all he could think about was the softness of Jackie's lips against his, a sensation that sent a warm shiver down Jackie's spine that he felt, making him smile in the kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of vulnerability and intimacy.

He opened his eyes, breaking away from the kiss. Looking into Jackie's blue eyes who's looking up at him with confusion in them. But he didn't get to say a word as he sticks a syringe needle on the back of his leg.

"I'm sorry, my angel." Victor muttered, watching as Jackie eyes slowly drooped and feels Jackie getting drowsy in his arms before his eyes close completely. He looked up from Jackie to Leonard who was waiting for him. He nods to him and place Jackie on the gurney. "Wait." He stopped Leonard before he could walked away with Jackie. He leaned down to the boy's ear and whispered three words that he hopes the boy can hear in his sleeping mind.

"I love you, my angel..."

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The first thing Jackie notice when he first woke up was voice talking, more specifically Victor voice, talking with someone he can't see because his eyes felt too heavy for him to open. The second thing he notice was that he was strapped upright on what felt like a operating table.

He tried hard to open his eyes and pat himself on the back mentally for successfully opening his eyes. He blinked three more times to see the clear view of Victor talking, and he could finally open them fully and gasped lightly when he saw a frozen Reed.

He looked up to Victor who turned his head to him, eyes widened as if he wasn't expecting him to wake up so early. Jackie move his eyes up and down Victor's figure, he's wearing a suit that is primarily metallic and silver in color, giving it a futuristic and imposing look. It features a sleek design with intricate detailing, including a stylized mask that conceals his face and a hood on top of his head.

"Vic...?" Jackie croaked out, eyes moving to Reed who tried his best to look at him in his frozen state. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, my love." Victor said, eyes finally showing emotions but he would only do it for one person and one person only, and that is the boy in front of him. "When I finally stopped them, we can have the life we have always wanted." He said, raising his hand and cupped Jackie's cheek, smiling under his mask when Jackie leaned against his hand. "You want that, don't you?"

Jackie stayed quiet for a few seconds, before his peripheral vision caught something moving. He focus back on Victor when he noticed Sue trying to break Reed's out. "Yes, I would like that Vic." He said, smiling softly up at Victor. He notice Victor about to turn away but stopped him by talking about what he wanted to say for forever. "Victor, I've loved you for so long it's painful."

Victor turned back to Jackie, eyes softening from behind the mask. "Now you won't feel anymore pain." He said, moving closer to Jackie face that he can feel the boy breath on him even though he's wearing a mask. "I love you, my angel."

"I love you too, Victor." Jackie said, leaning his head up and kiss Victor's metal mask. It last for about five seconds before Victor pulled away making him opened his eyes, that he don't even remember closing, and looked up at Victor with confusion. Oh, right, he was trying to distract Victor from Sue.

"How romantic." Victor said, looking away from Jackie to Susan. Was Jackie only trying to distract him? Was he wrong to thoughts that the boy love him?

"Victor, please." Sue tried, eyes moving to Jackie who looked back at her.

"It's Doctor Doom to you." Victor said, shaking his head mentally. Maybe he was wrong about Jackie's feelings, he only sees him as a friend.

"We know the machine works. It worked on Ben, it'll work on you. We can turn you back–" Sue tried again but was cut off by Victor talking.

"Do you really think fate turned us into gods so we could refuse these gifts?" Victor said.

"Victor. You always thought you were god." Sue said, a little force field starting to emanate from her.

"Sue please, let's not fight." Victor said, generating an energy blast behind his back.

"No, Victor... Let's." Sue said, hurling a force field at him and knocks him back a half-step.

Victor simply shakes it off, and steps up. He smiles, his arms crackling with electricity. "Susan... You're fired." He fires an electric shockwave that launches her back.

Susan spirals through the air, crashing into the wall. As Victor stalks closer, she father her strength to go invisible.

Victor stopped right on the spot. "Marco..." He said, looking around the wall for Sue. "Polo." He spins and grabs her. He grips her neck, slamming her to the ground besides Reed.

"One more down. Now it's just the scientist and his specimen." Victor said, turning to look at Jackie. "And so four became none. It's my time now."

There was a crashing noise as Jackie turned to the elevator door that was smashed and the familiar rocky man.

"Actually, Vic..." Ben said as Victor turns to him with widened eyes. "It's clobbering time!" He exclaimed, hitting him harder than any living thing has ever been hit. The force sends Victor back through the air, towards the far wall, where he smashes into the massive 'V' sculpture. It snaps, crashing onto him, there's a few sparks but then nothing.

Ben turns to Reed. "Damn, I've been wanting to do that." He said as he starts disconnecting the tubes from Reed while Susan let Jackie out from the straps.

"Are you alright?" Sue asked, cupping Jackie's cheeks to check up on him.

"I'm fine, are you?" Jackie asked, touching his sister bruised neck.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Sue said, taking Jackie's hand into her own, squeezing them.

"Victor's not that bad, huh? Just a little larger than life? Maybe you'll listen to me next time before–" Ben didn't get to finish his sentences as he was slammed by Victor, crashing through the glass into thin air.

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now