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"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm like us. So they can transform like us, becoming invisible, changing size on demand or remaining impervious to flame." Reed said, wearing the blue bodysuit they had wore to space. Sue, Johnny and Jackie wearing the same blue bodysuit.

"You look like an 80's rock band." Ben said, chuckling.

"The suit will stretch. You should try it." Sue said, holding Ben's body suit in her hands.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in that." Ben said.

"He's right. These costumes are missing something. I can't put my finger on it–" Johnny said.

"They're not costumes." Jackie said, crossing his arms. "We wear these so we won't lose anymore clothes."

"We're not taking them out." Sue said, agreeing with Jackie. "Johnny, we need to stay here till we've stabilized."

Johnny shakes his head. "I'm getting sick of being trapped here. NASA wasn't even this strict!" He said, marching out of the room.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt." Ben said, chuckling again.

"Jackie, I have some questions." Reed voiced out after a minute of silence as the boy turned his head to look at him, eyebrows raised. "What's your relationship with Victor?"

"We're friends." Jackie answered, wondering why Reed is asking about his friendship with Victor. "Why?"

Reed shakes his head, giving the boy a small smile. "Nothing. Just wondering." He said, walking off to the lab.

Jackie watch Reed's retreating figure until he disappear down the hall, he turned his head to Ben who shrugged his shoulders.

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Jackie looked up from the books Victor had brought to him when he heard Ben's footsteps outside his door. He marked the book and place the book down on his bed, standing up and walking out the door to see Ben walking towards the living room.

He followed after the man and stopped right in front of the TV, showing a gameshow Johnny loves. He already knows where this is going.

"So what can you tell us about the outfit?" The reporter asked Johnny standing next to her, peeling off the burned remains of his motocross outfit, revealing the Fantastic Five logo on the suit on his chest.

"Not too much, but I will say that it's all weather and no leather. Kind of Armani meets Astronaut." Johnny answered, smiling into the camera.

"He didn't." Sue and Jackie said simultaneously, crossing their arms.

"Oh, he did." Ben said.

"What did he do to the uniform?" Sue said, not noticing Reed closing his labcoat to hide the logo.

"So what are your superhero names?"

"I go by the Human Torch. The ladies call me Torch." Johnny said.

"What about the rest of the team?"

"Uh, we call my sister the invisible girl."

"Girl?!" Sue said, not believing that Johnny had just said that.

"What about your twin brother, what do you call him?"

"He's called Sage. I found a clip of him in a camera titled that." Johnny said, chuckling lightly. "You should see that video, it was wild!"

Jackie shakes his head, walking away from the three to find his twin brother, Johnny Storm.

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Jackie lands down on the road with a burst of green coming out of him as he lands. He looked behind him and saw the others walking towards him, having followed his leads of where Johnny is.

Jackie lets Sue and Reed walked in front of him towards Johnny, noticing that Ben had slowed to looked at Johnny's red car. He makes eye contacts with Ben and walked away, letting Ben do whatever he wants with that car.

He walked towards his sister at the exact same time Johnny asked where his car is, as Johnny's destroyed car was thrown in front of him.

"What the?! Is that my–" Johnny didn't get to say anymore as the license plate was thrown towards him. Johnny rubs his head, turning to look at Ben dusting off his hands. "You're gonna pay for that, Pebbles." He said, starting to walk towards Ben but was stopped by Jackie who walked in front of him. "What?!"

"Johnny, you gave us names? What are you, the face of the Fantastic Five now?" Jackie exclaimed, an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It's about to be a broken face." Ben said, marching up, hands balled into fists.

"This isn't permanent, Johnny. We need to be careful until we're normal again." Reed added in.

"What if some of us don't want to be normal again? We didn't all turn into monsters like–"

Ben reels back his fist the size of an anvil, stopping himself instead of attacking. He turned around, starting to walk off but didn't get far as Johnny hurls a fireball that smacks him in the back of his head. He stops, turning around to look at Johnny. "Did you just–" He didn't get more words out as he was hit with another fireball, this time in the face.

"Okay, that's it, Tinkerbell! You want to fly? Fly." Ben charges like a bull, fist cocked back, and Reed steps in the way as Ben's fist punches into Reed's chest, which indents. Reed's back expands with Ben's fist, punching into Johnny, launching him off his feet.

Johnny slams into a moving advertising truck, leaving a flaming imprint on the advertisement. Johnny slowly pulls himself up. The paint on the truck begins to bubble around his hand. "Let's see if we can get blood from a stone." He said, locking eyes with Ben as they started walking towards each other.

Sue steps between them, stopping them both in their tracks with just a look. "You two need a time-out."

"Blockhead started it!" Johnny exclaimed, pointing towards Ben who's walking off again.

Sue looks at Johnny, more disappointed than angry. "Damn it, Johnny." She said, turning around to go after Ben, leaving Jackie, Johnny and Reed on the sidewalk.

"You need to control yourself and think before you–" Reed started to say but was cut off by Johnny.

"Act. Here we go again. Reed, what if we got these gifts for a reason? What if we have some, you know... like, calling?" Johnny said.

"A higher calling like getting girls and making money?" Jackie asked, voice laced with sarcasm.

Johnny nods, totally missing he sarcasm. "Is there any higher?"

"Johnny, I never wanted these powers, okay?" Jackie said, looking up at his twin brother. "I kept having nightmares and kept losing control of my powers."

"Yeah, well, whose fault is that?" Johnny asked, already regretting his words as he saw the hurts in his twin brother eyes.

"Jackie." Reed warned, seeing the engraved powers right in the middle of Jackie's chest.

Jackie closed his eyes, blinking away the tears in his eyes. He looked up at Johnny, staring deep into his eyes. "Just... don't try to do anything stupid." He mutters, turning around and flying away from the two.

Not turning around to look at Reed, who had yelled out his name.

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now