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On the street Victor strides up to Ben, and raises the electricity pole for the death-blow. Right before he swings down, a voice stops him.

"I can't let you do that." Reed said as Victor turns to see him alone, bruised and battered. Slowly stepping towards him.

Victor smiles. "And you can't stop me." He said, turning back to Ben, raising the pole but he couldn't swing down. He feel something holding the pole in mid-air, something invisible. "Hello Susan." He said as the pole was taken out of his hand by a tree branch. "Jackie."

Sue turned herself visible as Reed helps Ben to his feet with Jackie standing besides her.

Victor turns to the quartet, blue eyes staying at Jackie who looked away from him. "What is this? The pitiful four?" He said, starting to step towards them but was stopped by a fireball hitting him.

"Five." Johnny said, taking his place besides Ben. "Had a little relapse, huh? Welcome back." He said, giving Ben a warm smile, turning his eyes to Jackie who smiles back at him, telling him everything he needed to know from his eyes.

The five turn to Doom, who stands with metal skin slightly singed and melted, making him look all the more menacing.

"This is going to be fun." Doom said as electricity starts to course through his body. He stands at the foot of the crater Ben made. He leaned down, grabbing a thick power cable, ripping it out of the street.

He snaps the cable into two snaking, lashing strips. He holds tight, absorbing the power. Lights flicker and dim in buildings around him. He let go of the cables. The two deadly wires snake out of control as the pedestrians scatter, panicking.

Reed sees the wires slashing through the air. So he makes a move, stretching his arms reaching for the deadly cables.

Doom fires superpowered energy bolts. The electric charges surge through the air towards the five, but was stopped by Sue's force-field, exploding Doom's blasts in mid-flight. She keeps her hands up, blocking blows like a prize fighter.

One of Doom's bolts glances off her force-field and smashes into a concrete stanchion of a building. The pillar starts to crumble, with people huddled under the overhang. The people was about to be crushed by the falling concrete, but the concrete roof holds steady as Ben is holding them up. He stands besides the stanchion, like Atlas holding the world. The people run out, safe.

"Johnny, spot-weld!" Reed exclaimed as Johnny flies towards him and uses his flames to weld the wires back together. Sparks fly as the cables start to fuse.

Doom keeps firing, smiling from under the mask when he notice She struggling with her force-field.

"Can't... hold... on..." Sue said, straining herself as her nose starts to bleed.

Jackie sees her as she is about to drop her hands. He takes over with his own force-field, holding himself from the bolts as he heard Reed yells out to Johnny to go supernova but was knocked back by a bolts sends by Victor. He turned his head to Victor, who is slowly starting to approach him.

Jackie moves his sister out of the way as he surround him and Victor in a force-field dome. He let down his hands, letting Victor stood in front of him who's bolts have faded from his hands.

"Why are you doing this Victor?" Jackie asked, looking up at Victor while trying to find that same fire insides of him but remain unsuccessful. So he gives up and decide to just talk to Victor.

"You know why." Victor said, voice muffled from the metal mask as he looked down at Jackie. "Why did you?" He asked, asking about the confession Jackie had said to him.

"It's true about what I said." Jackie said, raising his hands to cup Victor's metal mask. "I really do love you, Victor."

"I don't believe you." Victor said, voice cold of any emotions. Eyes softening when he notice unshed tears in Jackie eyes.

"Have I ever lied to you before Victor?" Jackie asked as Victor shakes his head softly. "Then you should know that I feel the same way to you as you feel towards me." He said, watching as Victor's eyes scanned his face. He closed his eyes when he didn't hear anything from Victor, not noticing that his body is slowly set alight with green fire.

Jackie opened his eyes when he feel the heat from Victor's body and saw the older man's face closer to him than before.

"Then why are you trying to stop me?" Victor whispered as Jackie pulled his hands away, tears finally running down his face, but it didn't get down his face because of the fire on his body.

"You know why." Jackie repeated what Victor said six seconds ago, opening his eyes as his body explodes in a pulse of bright white lights, which starts to heat up everything surrounding it. "I'm so sorry for this, Victor." He whispered as his dome and fire fades.

Doom steps through the smoke. Unharmed. His metallic body glows white, trailing molten metal.

"Is that the best you can do? A little heat?" Victor asked, turning to look at Jackie, who stayed in the same place, before looking to Reed.

"Time for your lesson, Vic." Reed said, staying perfectly calm. "Chem 101: what happens when you supercool hot metal?" He asked, turning to Ben. "Ben."

"Got it, teach." Ben said, kicking open the fire hydrant. The water geysers up. He kicks down with his foot, deflecting the water so it sprays toward Reed, who twists his torso so the water curls around his chest, races down his arms, and shoots right off his wrists towards Doom.

"No." Victor mutters, rushing towards Jackie, but the water follows him, dousing him, as his hand raised towards Jackie's cheek, trying to touch him one last time. Giant clouds of steam fill the air from the cooling metal as he screams.

Jackie protects himself from the water, as Victor shrieks finally fade to silence.

The water stops, thick steam clouds roll, completely obscuring Victor and Jackie from view.

Jackie looked at Victor's masked face with saddened eyes as the steam finally clears to reveal Victor, frozen as a statue. Jackie looked to his side when he feel a hand on his shoulder, seeing his sister with his twin brother behind her. He backed away from Victor frozen statue, standing besides his sister and brother as the Fantastic Five stands together.

"Damn, I love this job." Johnny breathed out as Reed and Sue slowly lock eyes.

"Job, huh?" Ben said, looking to Jackie who leaned his head against Johnny's shoulder.

"Well, we do have the suits..." Reed said as Sue gets close to Reed.

Johnny looked down at Jackie while his sister said her confession to Reed. "You alright?" He asked, hearing Jackie sighed. "You don't sound alright."

"I wish I know why he did all this." Jackie muttered, a soft smile appearing on his face when he saw Reed kissing his sister.

"Hey, there's still a lot of old guys out there for you to fish." Johnny said, chuckling when he saw his twin's scrunch his nose in disgust.

"No, thanks." Jackie said, standing up to his full height as he look at Victor's statue one last time. "I'll just be with myself for the time being." He said, turning away from Victor to look up at Johnny who smiled down at him. "For now, I have some things I need to work out."

Starting with the man he keep seeing in his dreams, who keeps showing him many ways of him dying.

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें