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Reed watched with awe as Jackie floated the pen in front of him back and forth using only his eyes. He watched as Jackie pull out his right hand from his jacket– that looks so oddly familiar to him– and takes hold of the pen, placing them besides him.

Jackie softly sighed, thinking back to the curly-haired man he had seen when he was passed out after he had been hit with the storm. He had been thinking about who was the man and why he keeps appearing in his dreams. Every dreams he have with him, it's always bad. Like he's trying to put fear onto him.

Jackie was cut off from his thoughts when the fireman chief walked in.

"There's some folks outside, want to talk to you." The chief said.

"We're not going public with this. We're scientists, not celebrities." Reed said.

"Too late, son." The chief said, walking forward and turning on the little TV monitor in the corner. Showing the news footage playing on the station, with the tagline showing Fantastic Five.

Jackie and Sue looked at each other, sharing a look that only say one word. Johnny.

"That's what they're calling you. The Fantastic Five."

"Nice." Johnny said, already heading towards the exit.

"Johnny, slow down." Sue said, stopping Johnny before he could walk out. "Let's think this through a second."

"Okay. Done thinking." Johnny said after a seconds of pause, walking out into of the tent.

Reed, Ben, Sue and Jackie followed after Johnny as cameras flashes over them.

Johnny eats up the attention, raising his arms welcoming the attentions he gets.

"So which one of you's the leader?" The chief asked, turning to look at the five.

"That'd be me." Johnny said confidently.

"No seriously." The chief said making Jackie snort, gaining a playful glare from Johnny as Sue and Ben turns to look at Reed. The chief hands Reed a mic. "You're on, son. They all want a statement."

"Uh, during our recent mission to the Von Doom space station, we were exposed to as yet-unidentified radioactive energy, most likely some kind of nucleotide compoun–" Reed didn't get to the finish his words as the various reporters starts asking questions.

"What happened on the bridge?"

"Does it hurt to stretch?"

"Were you really on fire?"

"Who was the man you had seen in your dreams?"

"Is it true that one of you can fly?"

Jackie looked up at the mention of his dreams, trying to look through the multiple of reporters and found a man– possibly in his thirties– who looked straight in his eyes before disappearing into the crowd, never to be seen again.

"We don't know much more than you do, at this point. Which is why we will be going directly to the lab, where we can diagnose our symptoms and–"

"Symptoms? So it's like a disease?" A reporter asked, cutting Sue off from her statement and bringing Jackie back to reality.

"Symptoms? Please. If having powers is a disease, then yeah we got it bad." Johnny said, wrapping his arm around Jackie shoulders. "And we are gonna glow your minds. There's a new day dawning. The day of Fantastic Five."

"That thing doesn't look too fantastic." One reporter said, pointing towards Ben.

"Ben Grimm is a genuine America hero who's been through a terrible orde–" Reed tries to say but was cut off by Johnny.

"What he's trying to say is. Every team needs a mascot." Johnny said, wincing when he feel an elbow elbowed him on his ribs, taking his arm off of Jackie and rubbing his sides.

"Look, we went up to space to find a way to understand DNS, to cure disease, save lives. Well, now it's our DNA, our disease, our lives on the line..." Reed said. "Thank you. No more questions." He said, walking away from the reporters with the others following after him.

• • •

Jackie walked out of the police car, looking up at the familiar Baxter building, smiling softly before he looked in front of him, following after Reed into the building. Jackie looked in front of him, smiling kindly to the doorman, Jimmy O'Hoolihan with him returning the kind smile.

"Welcome back to the Baxter, Dr. Richards. All that for you?" Jimmy asked, motioning to the flashing cameras outside.

"I'm afraid so..." Reed said, taking he letters from the doorman. "We had a tough year." He said when he noticed the look on the Storm's siblings.

"Yeah, nine years straight." Ben said, passing by Jackie as he waits in front of the elevator.

The elevator dings and the doors open as the five walked into the elevator. Reed hits the top button, for the 20th floor.

"Twenty? From outside the place looks a lot taller." Johnny said, leaning against the elevator wall.

"Oh, it is." Reed said as the doors close, but he looked up in confusion as he heard a creak from the elevator.

"Either we're moving really fast... or not at all." Johnny said at the same exact time a digital readout on the panel say they had exceed maximum weight.

Reed, Susan, Johnny and Jackie turns to look at Ben who sighed.

"I'll take the stairs." Ben said as the elevator doors opened. He steps out, turning around to look at the four as the elevator doors closed.

"How come Ben can't turn it on and off like us?" Jackie asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the elevator wall.

"That's what we're here to find out." Reed answered.

"If it happened to him, then it could..." Sue trailed off as Reed nods softly.

"Wait. You mean there's chance we could be full on 24/7 fantastic?" Johnny asked.

"Grow up, Johnny. You want to run around on fire for the rest of your life?" Sue asked, looking at Jackie who is looking up at the elevator ceiling.

"Is that a trick question? C'mon, I can't be the only one who thinks this is cool." Johnny said, bumping his shoulder with Jackie who in turn look at him with a unimpressed look.

The elevator dings was heard as the elevator stops. The elevator doors opens as the four steps out.

Reed leads them into another area filled with separate apartments and all the amenities of home. "We should stay here until we can define the extent of our changes..."

"This place is deluxe. You got cable?" Johnny asked.

"...and figure out how to reverse them." Reed said as he heard Ben's approaching footsteps. "Let me show you to your rooms."

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