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Jackie sweeps his hand through his hair to clear it from his face as he looked at the multiple pictures of flowers in front of him, helping his sister with the wedding while Reed, Ben and Johnny goes to the bachelor party. Jackie not wanting to go because there will be too many people, he hates that.

There's also something else that has happened recently. He couldn't find Victor anywhere inside his head, there's also a stinging pain inside his head. He had wondered where Victor had went and just thought that Victor had went to sleep early, but that's not the case.

He thoughts that Samael must've done something to him when he had blasted him with his energy blasts, but that doesn't explain the stinging pain inside his head.

Jackie sighed softly, gaining his sister attention without knowing as she looked up from the picture to Jackie.

"You alright?" Sue asked, breaking Jackie's thoughts off as he turned his head towards her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jackie said, rubbing his head as the stinging pain inside his head is back.

"You still have the headache?" Sue asked.

Jackie nods. "Yeah." He sighed out, looking out the window mindlessly. "Sue, I don't know what's happening to me." He said, turning his head back to his sister.

"I don't know why this is happening either." Sue said, taking Jackie's hand into hers. "I wish I have the answer as to why this is happening to you, Jackie. We wish we have the answer." She said, telling Jackie everyone is trying to find the answer as to why this is happening to her little brother.

Jackie blanked out for a few seconds, thinking back to when he was hit by the storm. He remember he was near the plant at the time, that would explain his ecokinesis. But then, where did those two nameless powers comes from?

He thinks back to the green mist that was not from any of the plant. Could that be it? Could the unknown green mist gave him his two nameless powers?

Jackie was brought back to reality when he heard his sister talking to Roberta. He looked up from the cushion to his sister, who nod her head towards the door to see who is at the entrance. He nods, standing up and trailing after his sister.

He walked up to the entrance, walking around the corner and walked up to the two men with a woman behind the dark-skinned man. The three of them are wearing a Military suit. Jackie joined his sister in front of the man, eyes catching the woman's attention who instantly looked away.

"May we help you?" Sue asked.

"We're here to see Dr. Richards." The man in the middle said.

"He's not here. Can I help you?" Sue asked.

"Yes. You can take me to see Dr. Richards." He said.

Sue turned her head to Jackie who shrugs his shoulders. She turned back to the man. "Okay."

• • •

Jackie trailed after his sister as they walked inside the club, which is Reed's bachelor party. He moved closer to his sister when a woman tried to drag him away. He accidentally bumped into his sister back when they suddenly stopped right on their track, his confusion turned to surprise when he saw Reed dancing with two woman around his stretchy arms.

"There he is." General Hager said as Jackie had learned from the car ride.

"Yes. Unfortunately." Sue said, narrowing her eyes slightly. "For him."

"Shall we?" Jackie asked as Reed finally notice his sister and started approaching them.

"Sue. What are you..." Reed trailed off when he saw the General. "General Hager."

"Let's talk somewhere private." General Hager said.

"Unless you need to do Jell-O shots off someone's stomach."

"I was explaining to the girls about how the big bang led to..." Reed explained. "This was Johnny's idea. I just went along."

• • •

"How does Reed know the general?" Sue asked, walking inside the kitchen with Jackie trailing behind her.

"A few years back, the guy was pushing a new missile-defense system." Ben explained. "Reed testified that the technology wouldn't work."

"I'm here on direct orders from the Joint Chief's of Staff." General Hager said, watching as Jackie stood right next to Ben. "Personally, I don't like sharing sensitive information with a civilian." He turned his head away from Jackie to Reed. "Especially one who enjoys the public spotlight so much."

"Always a pleasure to see you too, general." Reed said. "What can I do for you?"

"As you may know, there've been unusual occurrences." General Hager started. "Officially, we've downplayed their significance, but we're concerned... these anomalies might pose a credible threat to our national security." He said, nodding to the woman as she give pictures to the General. "These were taken by one of our spy satellites three days ago." He said, giving the pictures to Reed.

"What is it?" Sue asked, looking at the pictures.

"We hoped Dr. Richards, or Jacob could tell us." General Hager said.

"I'm afraid I've never seen anything like it. Ben?" Reed said, giving the pictures to Ben.

"I would say that it was a meteor, but the trail's all wrong." Ben said, giving the picture to Jackie to take a look. "It's giving off its own energy."

"Take a look at this." General Hager said as the woman turned the computer towards the four, as Jackie is still looking at the pictures. "These have been appearing in remote areas throughout the world. Field personnel estimate its diameter to be 200 meters."

"To find out what this is about, we need a way to locate and intercept that object." Reed begin, watching as Jackie finally looked up from the pictures to him. "A sensor could be tied into the Baxter Building's satellite grid. We can pinpoint the location of the object."

"Good. You'll build the sensor for us–"

"I'm afraid I can't." Reed said before the general can finish his sentences.


"I'm getting married this Saturday. I just don't have the time." Reed said, wrapping his arm around Sue's waist.

"Richards, your country needs you help." General Hager said.

"Maybe Jackie can do it for you." Sue said, turning their attention to her.

"Can you do it?" General Hager asked, turning his attention to Jackie who gave the pictures back to the woman.

"Yes. Just give me time." Jackie said.

General Hager nods. "Take all time you need, Mr. Storm." He said, telling the woman to pack up. "We'll give you everything you need to know." He said, patting Jackie's shoulder as he walked out.

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