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Susan knocked on the door in front of her, waiting for her little brother to answer the door. She was about to knock for the second time when the door opened, revealing his little brother who is rubbing his eyes sleepily making her smile at his unchanged antic.

"Hey, Sue." Jackie greeted, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. "Is there a reason you woke me up on my sleep day?"

Susan chuckles lightly, softly shaking her head. "You know how Johnny got the pilot?" She asked, watching as Jackie nods at her. "Well, Victor wants you to come with us."

Jackie raised his eyebrows in surprised, and slightly suspicious as to why Victor had invited him. "Is there a reason?"

Susan shrugs, shaking her head. "Well, if there is. He didn't tell me." She said, looking up at Jackie's face who is looking off onto the distance. "Aren't you two good friends with each other, why are you hesitating?"

Jackie moves his eyes to her, biting off the skin on his lips. "I wasn't hesitating," He said as Sue raised her eyebrows, stopping her before she can talk. "I was just... thinking about something."

"Right." Susan said, looking at her little brother suspiciously. "That's not suspicious at all."

Jackie scoffed lightly, looking away from his sister observing eyes. "We are good friends." He mumbles, looking back to his sister who is waiting for his response. "I was just thinking why he had invited me when I'm not like you two."

"Like us two?" Susan questioned, cocking her head to the side wondering where Jackie's going with this. But then she was hit with a realization, Jackie never finished his schooling because he was expelled from defending another guy from being bullied. "Jackie, just because you never finished your schooling it doesn't mean that you're not smart."

Jackie stayed quiet, looking down at the floor.

"Did Victor do something to you?" Susan asked, making Jackie snapped his head up at her.

"What? No, no. He didn't do anything to me." Jackie quickly said. "I- Fine, I'll go to with you guys."

Susan smiled, patting his little brother shoulder as she walked away. Taking notice that Jackie is taking out his phone before she turned down the hall, but think of it as nothing.

• • •

"Hello, Jackie." Victor greeted, smiling as he leaned back on his chair in the office. Telling Leonard to quiet down in the room. "How are you doing on this fine evening."

"Cut the bullshit Vic, why am I invited to your work." Jackie said, voice sharp with suspicion on him.

"Can't I invite my soon to be brother-in-law with me?" Victor asked, a small smile on his lips.

"Wait, you're gonna propose on the ship?" Jackie asked, voice quieting down slightly as Victor heard some shuffling from the other side of the phone. He must be still in bed, he wonders what the brunette is wearing.

"What?" He breaks out of his thoughts when he heard Jackie's voice.

"What?" Victor questioned, wondering what he had said out loud to the brunette.

"You just said... you were wondering what I was wearing." Jackie said, voice going quiet again. "Why did you say that?"

"Don't trouble your pretty brain out, Jackie." Victor said, brushing off the last question Jackie had asked him. "I'll meet you soon." He said, not even waiting for Jackie to response before hanging up on the boy.

Those eyes - Victor Von Doom x male ocHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin